Oh, sure. One couldn't say hamburger and french fries in ancient hebrew.
But you can say it in modern (hamboorgeria ee cheeps is the

who just displayed half of her hebrew. I can also say "I drink coffee" in
Hebrew, but I'll save that for another day.

On Thu, 3 Sep 1998, Rosser Jr, John Barkley wrote:

>      But then the Hebrew of Israel is a synthetic 
> language that is not that of the ancients.  One of its 
> more striking features is a significant Slavic 
> influence grammatically and in other ways.  Of course 
> there is a Hebrew influence on Russian, most notably in 
> the presence of certain letters in the alphabet.
>      The history and nature of Yiddish is yet another 
> ball game entirely.
> Barkley Rosser
> On Thu, 3 Sep 1998 10:21:19 -0400 (EDT) "Frances Bolton 
> (PHI)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Max, 
> > 
> > I'm going to look into this later, but I definitely recall older,
> > religious Jews going to the gas chambers and young Zionists going to
> > Palestine. At least part of the thing about creating a Jewish state ws
> > creating a New Jew. The kibbibutzim were founded on socialist principles,
> > and more importantly, Hebrew, rather than Yiddidish, was adopted as the
> > official language. Yiddish was the mamaloshen, associated with the shetl
> > and the weak Jew who lived  at the mercy of the goyim. It's a language, as
> > Leo Rosten puts it, of insults and complaints. Hebrew was the language of
> > the warrior Jew, the Bible, the sign of Jews chosen-ness. Way more butch.
> > For people interested in the sexual politics of Hebrew and Yiddish, check
> > out Naomi Seidman's scholarship. Unfortunately, I don't have any titles,
> > she told me this stuff. 
> > 
> > Frances
> > 
> > On Thu, 3 Sep 1998, Max Sawicky wrote:
> > 
> > > > . . .
> > > >that there are some references--e.g. certain Zionist leaders
> > > >collaborating with Nazis to get young and religious Jews to Palestine and
> > > leave older and more secular Jews to the gas chambers . . . >>
> > > 
> > > Although I've read some about nazi-zionist
> > > transactions, this is the first I've heard
> > > of age/religiousness dimensions.  I'd
> > > appreciate any references you might be
> > > aware of.
> > > 
> > > The age thing is consistent with an interest
> > > in nation-building, but the religion aspect
> > > seems less so.  My understanding is that the
> > > zionist movement was founded and largely led
> > > by secularists, and mostly opposed before
> > > WWII by orthodox Jews.
> > > 
> > > MBS
> > > 
> > > 
> > 
> -- 
> Rosser Jr, John Barkley

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