At 05:30 PM 11/4/98 -0400, Victor Navasky wrote:
>Yeah, but...
>The only problem is Alex Cockburn is not our radical columnist.  Maybe
>he once was (and he is certainly a brilliant polemicist), but these days
>he spends much of his Nation time attacking people on the left.  What he
>is, is Alex, himself, unique.  (In fact, it's Christopher who has been
>calling for Clinton's impeachment, and Patricia Williams and Katha P.
>who have been devoting most of their column space to social policy
>issues from rad perspectives.)  Read up!

I guess maybe the problem is that we have different concepts of what it
means to be radical, or else I was not clear enough to start off with. I am
a Marxist and have been so since 1967. The Nation has attracted many
independent Marxist readers in the past 20 years or so as the sectarian
Marxist left imploded. With all due respect to Patricia Williams and Katha
P., they are not really as radical as they might seem to you. Neither are
the bobsey twins, Cockburn  and Hitchens for that matter.

Although it had occurred to me to suggest some writers who would appeal to
people like myself, it subsequently seemed like a waste of time. In any
case, here goes:

--Dan Georgakas
--Paul Buhle
--Alan Wald
--James Petras
--Tariq Ali 
--George Lipsitz
--David Roediger
--Scott McLemee (much sharper than Alterman)
--Kevin Kelley
--Lucy Lippard
--Norman Finkelstein

I suspect that if you took a survey of your readership, you would find many
more Marxists than you would have anticipated. You simply can not take us
for granted. The Democratic Party does this with blacks, Latinos, gays and
women. Marxism is a different sort of thing. It is a deeply rooted set of
ideas that takes enormous will-power to uphold in a society like this. It
is actually a tribute to the kind of magazine that the Nation was in the
past that so many of us were loyal to it.

Louis Proyect

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