Louis, why don't you begin gathering signatures of those who agree with
you on this matter.  You caninclude me.
> At 05:30 PM 11/4/98 -0400, Victor Navasky wrote:
> >Yeah, but...
> >
> >The only problem is Alex Cockburn is not our radical columnist.  Maybe
> >he once was (and he is certainly a brilliant polemicist), but these days
> >he spends much of his Nation time attacking people on the left.  What he
> >is, is Alex, himself, unique.  (In fact, it's Christopher who has been
> >calling for Clinton's impeachment, and Patricia Williams and Katha P.
> >who have been devoting most of their column space to social policy
> >issues from rad perspectives.)  Read up!
> I guess maybe the problem is that we have different concepts of what it
> means to be radical, or else I was not clear enough to start off with. I am
> a Marxist and have been so since 1967. The Nation has attracted many
> independent Marxist readers in the past 20 years or so as the sectarian
> Marxist left imploded. With all due respect to Patricia Williams and Katha
> P., they are not really as radical as they might seem to you. Neither are
> the bobsey twins, Cockburn  and Hitchens for that matter.
> Although it had occurred to me to suggest some writers who would appeal to
> people like myself, it subsequently seemed like a waste of time. In any
> case, here goes:
> --Dan Georgakas
> --Paul Buhle
> --Alan Wald
> --James Petras
> --Tariq Ali 
> --George Lipsitz
> --David Roediger
> --Scott McLemee (much sharper than Alterman)
> --Kevin Kelley
> --Lucy Lippard
> --Norman Finkelstein
> I suspect that if you took a survey of your readership, you would find many
> more Marxists than you would have anticipated. You simply can not take us
> for granted. The Democratic Party does this with blacks, Latinos, gays and
> women. Marxism is a different sort of thing. It is a deeply rooted set of
> ideas that takes enormous will-power to uphold in a society like this. It
> is actually a tribute to the kind of magazine that the Nation was in the
> past that so many of us were loyal to it.
> Louis Proyect
> (http://www.panix.com/~lnp3/marxism.html)

Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
Chico, CA 95929

Tel. 530-898-5321

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