I haven't jumped into pen-le in a while, but this question spurs
me to point out that the problem with the Nordhaus theory is
that, right or wrong, it is irrelevant to the fundamental energy
problem facing us today, which is global warming, not
high fuel prices.  And if there are no alternatives to fossil
fuels then we (the human race, or at least civilization as
we know it) are truly fucked.  You all might want to take
a look at the latest reports on climate change.  Without a
70% (yes that's 70%) reduction in carbon dioxide 
emissions over the  next twenty (yes 20) years, we are 
on course to raise the  planet's temperature from 3 - 7 F degrees 
and the temperature of the US from 5-10 F degrees, over the 
course of the next century.  The consequences of this are 
unimaginable.  Trebling or quadrupling fuel prices, in this
context, would be a good thing.  

                                Ellen Frank

>Jim Devine wrote:
>>what's wrong with the
>> Nordhaus theory? My main complaint is that the recovery from an energy
>> crisis might easily be extremely painful and take a long time
>It might take several million years, and I'm not really joking. What are
>alternatives to fossil? (don't please mention PV's, wind, hydrogen etc,
>because they are not alternatives)
>CB: Solar ?

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