Doug Henwood wrote:

> Charles Brown wrote:
> >To purport to answer your question fully would be to assume the
> >approach of a utopian.   The answer to your question must come in
> >the main from the practice, trial and error, of billions of people.
> This is evasive. I'm not asking for a 24-volume detailed blueprint -
> I'm asking for general principles of organization, and specifically
> those that are technically feasible but politically impossible under
> capitalism. If red-greens can't do this, they will convince no one of
> anything except their millennarian fervor.

Bullshit Doug. On the contrary, any statement of the kind you want
would be arrogant and stupid, not merely utopian. No one except
a few academics and journalists (I ignore sheer demogogues) has
ever taken up resistance to capitalism on the basis of being convinced
there is a "better system." And frankly I doubt the good faith of
anyone who asks such questions.


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