On Mon, 3 Jul 2000, neil wrote:

> The problem is for these reformers of capitalism , the overall 
>  economic crisis is deepning on the world scale and also in the USA. 

Really? So why has world economic growth accelerated in the late Nineties?
Asia is growing again, the EU is picking up steam, and even Japan is
rising from its torpor. 

> Look at Germany -- today the 'empowered' Greens support more austerity
> for workers --less regulation on profit making-- health-educ cuts, and a
> new revamped - professionalized -independent German Army --

Examples, please? I'm talking specific legislation which the Greens
authored, not stuff they were forced to sign because they're a small party
in a coalition with the much larger, neoliberalized SPD. From what I've
read in the German press, the Greens have been striving mightily to tax
fossil fuels and fund renewable energy, to reform Germany's archaic
citizenship laws, to provide same-sex couples with domestic partner
status, etc. The Red-Green tax reforms lowered taxes on the poorest
citizens and slashed a number of the tax loopholes of the rich. 

-- Dennis

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