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Wall Street hails signs of downturn in US

                    By Jerry White
                    9 June 2000

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                    A series of recently released reports points to a
sharp slowdown in the
                    American economy and the likelihood that the US will
slide into recession
                    in the coming months. The downturn is in large
measure the result of a
                    deliberate policy by the Clinton administration,
working in tandem with
                    the Federal Reserve Board, to drive up unemployment
and preempt a
                    movement by workers for wage and benefit
improvements. Last month,
                    the Fed raised key interest rates by one-half of one
percent, its sixth
                    increase in a year.

                    On June 2 the Labor Department reported that the
nation's private sector
                    employers eliminated 116,000 jobs in May, the first
drop in employment
                    since January 1996. The fall was the largest in
eight years, since
                    November 1991 when the US was in the midst of a
recession. Until last
                    month the private sector had added an average of
182,000 jobs a month.

                    Job reductions occurred in almost every area of the
economy, except the
                    government, which hired 357,000 temporary census
workers for a
                    once-a-decade population count. Construction
employment, which had
                    been on the upswing because of the housing boom,
fell by 29,000 jobs.
                    Some 71,000 jobs were wiped out in wholesale and
retail trade, after a
                    big gain in April. Manufacturing saw a drop of
17,000 jobs and 11,000
                    jobs were lost in transportation, mostly trucking.

                    The job cuts included the first major layoffs in the
auto industry in nearly
                    a decade. One of the few categories to gain jobs,
services, was up
                    17,000 in May, well below its monthly average of
103,000 new jobs this

                    The layoffs pushed up the official unemployment
rate, which had been at
                    a 30-year low of 3.9 percent, to 4.1 percent.
Hardest hit were blacks
                    and Hispanics, whose unemployment rates in April had
fallen to the
                    lowest levels since the government began tracking
the groups separately
                    in the early 1970s. But the growth in unemployment
was not limited to
                    the most vulnerable workers, affecting wide layers
of the population,
                    including college graduates and skilled workers in

                    Another indicator of a slowdown was the decline in
the average
                    workweek in manufacturing by eight-tenths of an hour
to 41.4 hours,
                    bringing the number of hours worked to the lowest
level since March

                    Workers' wages stagnated, despite the tight labor
market. Average
                    hourly wages, which in the early spring had
increased moderately but
                    steadily, rose by only one penny in May, to $13.65,
the smallest increase
                    in months. Labor costs in the first quarter of 2000
rose at the slowest
                    rate in nearly four years—0.6 percent, for an annual
rate of 1.6 percent.
                    At the same time, the Labor Department reported,
output by workers in
                    the first quarter rose at the fastest pace in seven
years, up 3.7 percent
                    over the corresponding period in 1999.

                    A series of other reports showed a decline in the
sales of new and
                    existing homes and automobiles, plus a slowdown in
construction and
                    consumer spending. The Index of Economic Indicators,
which forecasts
                    future economic growth, fell 0.1 percent, and Lehman
Brothers lowered
                    its estimates for US economic growth for the second
quarter from 6.3
                    percent to 4.7 percent.

                    Wall Street greeted the reports of increased
joblessness and negligible
                    wage gains by sending stocks skyward. The Dow Jones
                    average rose 142 points June 2, ending one of the
index's best weekly
                    performances for the year. The Nasdaq rose 230
points, completing its
                    largest weekly percentage gain in history. One
factor in the buying spree
                    was investors' anticipation that signs of an
economic slowdown might
                    lead the Federal Reserve to forestall another
increase in interest rates
                    when it meets at the end of the month.

                    More fundamentally, the big shareholders and banks
calculate that a
                    downturn in the economy will dampen workers' demands
for increased
                    wages and benefits, and force them to take whatever
job they are
                    offered. Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan has repeatedly
complained that
                    the tight labor market was forcing employers to bid
up wages and
                    benefits to attract workers. Significant wage
increases, he told Congress
                    last February, would “intensify inflationary
pressures or squeeze profit
                    margins, with either outcome capable of bringing our
growing prosperity
                    to an end.”

                    The prospect that workers might recoup some of the
wages and benefits
                    they lost over the last 20 years hangs like a
specter over corporate
                    America and its political representatives. This fear
is heightened by a
                    series of recent struggles—at Northwest Airlines,
Boeing and Delphi
                    Automotive, to name a few—where workers rejected
                    recommended by their unions because they contained
insufficient wage
                    and benefit improvements.

                    While previous US economic expansions brought with
them substantial
                    improvements in workers' living standards, the
present economic boom
                    has disproportionately benefited the top layers of
society. The resulting
                    growth of inequality is not accidental. Since
Democratic President Jimmy
                    Carter appointed Greenspan's predecessor, Paul
Volcker, in 1979, the
                    policy of the Federal Reserve Board and the federal
government has
                    been to use interest rate policy to conduct an
unrelenting assault on the
                    jobs and living standards of workers.

                    In the early 1980s Volcker's double-digit interest
rates provoked the
                    worst recession since the 1930s, resulting in the
destruction of millions of
                    jobs, the shutdown of hundreds of factories and the
decimation of entire
                    industrial regions. At the same time, US
corporations, with the support of
                    the Reagan administration, launched a union-busting
and wage-cutting
                    offensive against the working class.

                    By the end of the 1980s, weekly wages of workers had
fallen by nearly
                    10 percent, while the richest one percent of
American families pocketed
                    60 percent of the total increase in after-tax
income. This redistribution of
                    wealth—from working people to the financial
elite—has intensified during
                    the Clinton years and the stock market boom.

                    The very basis of the success of the current boom is
the maintenance of a
                    permanent state of economic insecurity for tens of
millions of workers.
                    This point was underscored on June 5 by Jack Guynn,
president of the
                    Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, in a speech before
a group of bankers
                    at the Atlanta Treasury Management Association.
Guynn, one of the ten
                    officials on the Fed's Open Market Committee, which
sets interest rates,
                    said the US economy had a competitive advantage over
other economies
                    because even the most prosperous and profitable
corporations were
                    willing respond to “market signals” and carry out
“painful restructuring.”

                    “In Western Europe, Guynn said, the “objective of
labor practices in
                    many of these countries is to provide workers with
certainty —with the
                    assurance that their jobs and their paychecks will
be there tomorrow, no
                    matter what.” But in the US, he boasted, “there are
almost no guarantees
                    that you'll have your job next month.”

                    Guynn made it clear that corporate America's
continued good fortunes
                    depended on the Federal Reserve's ability to
maintain a climate of
                    economic uncertainty for American workers, and
thereby keep labor
                    costs down. At the same time he stressed that big
investors, including
                    those from overseas who have been critical in
maintaining the stock
                    market boom, had to be shielded from a similar
uncertainty. For them,
                    Guynn said, it was crucial that the Fed guarantee
the “certainty” that their
                    profits would not be undermined by significant wage
increases. “Whether
                    it's an automobile factory or government bonds,” he
declared, “investors
                    know that the Fed will not allow their investments
to be eroded by
                    inflation.” Guynn concluded his speech by saying he
was “encouraged”
                    by the June 2 reports of increased unemployment and
minimal wage

                    Much has been said about the Federal Reserve's
intention of engineering
                    a “soft landing” of the US economy—a slower rate of
growth which
                    avoids an outright recession. But once deflationary
measures are taken,
                    the results are not easily contained. With the US
recording record trade
                    and balance of payments deficits every month, the
Federal Reserve is in a
                    far weaker position than in past periods to lower
interest rates later in
                    order to prevent a slide into a full-scale
recession. Were the Fed to
                    initiate a major decrease in interest rates, the
result could be a flight of
                    capital out of American markets, a panic on US stock
exchanges and a
                    loss of confidence in the American dollar that could
whipsaw throughout
                    the international financial system.

                    A recession would have wrenching social and
political consequences.
                    Tens of millions of American workers already depend
on overtime or a
                    second or third job to support their families. The
loss of a job—under
                    conditions in which personal debt has reached record
levels—would be
                    devastating. Moreover, a sharp decline in the stock
market would
                    threaten the pensions and savings of large numbers
of workers, middle
                    class people and retirees.

                    Over the last two decades the Republicans and
Democrats have all but
                    eliminated the social safety net. Already—in the
midst of supposedly
                    booming economic times—tens of millions of workers
lack health
                    insurance, and millions more earn poverty-level
wages. A significant
                    downturn will raise the specter of destitution
before tens of millions of

                    See Also:
                    US Federal Reserve raises interest rates in
preemptive move against wage
                    [18 May 2000]
                    US trade deficit hits new monthly record
                    [25 May 2000]
                    Wall Street's crisis and the shattering of illusions

                    [17 April 2000]

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Mine Aysen Doyran
PhD Student
Department of Political Science
SUNY at Albany
Nelson A. Rockefeller College
135 Western Ave.; Milne 102
Albany, NY 12222

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