Louis Proyect wrote:

>But this exactly what Rakesh and Doug have been doing all along. Maybe Ken
>Lawrence just decided to give them a taste of their own medicine. When Doug
>raises questions about the NOI "militia" and housing project patrols, he is
>not under any obligation to defend the thesis outright that these are the
>equivalent of the KKK night-riders or the White Aryan Resistance.

Damn it, this is just preposterous. The KKK killed and terrorized lots of
people, complicit with the state, and is one of the great horrors of U.S.
history. (The White Aryan Resistance, though, has killed no more than 5
people and are frequently prosecuted.) The NOI is nothing like the Klan. I
think it's a bad political strategy for black liberation, but it's not a
semi-official terrorist organization. Stop attributing vile things to me,
it's really pissing me off.


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