Does this include Noam Chomsky?

Cheers, Ken Hanly

Henry C.K. Liu wrote:

> MIT is the Hoover Institute of technology.
> It houses a group of social scientists who sole purpose in lfe is to preserve
> science and technology for the exclusive use of the right wing worldwide.  They
> think neo-liberals are communists.
> Henry C.K. Liu
> Jim Devine wrote:
> > At 03:30 PM 1/17/99 +0100, you wrote:
> > >The Wall Street Journal frequently denounces "junk science."  By that they
> > >seem to meen expert testimony that supports seeking damages from some
> > >business.
> > >
> > >        Richard Schmalensee, an MIT economist is testifying for Microsoft
> > >in the antitrust trial.  The NY Times quoted him Thursday re whether or not
> > >Microsoft has a monopoly in operating systems.  He says they don't.  ... Only
> > >the worst students internalize this garbage and go on to be professors at
> > >MIT.
> >
> > The irony of this is that not only did Richard S testify at the Microsoft
> > trial but so did Franklin Fischer, who is also an econ. prof. at MIT. Guess
> > what? Fischer said _exactly the opposite of what S. said_: MS is a monopoly.
> >
> > ain't science grand?
> >
> > Jim Devine [EMAIL PROTECTED] &
> >

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