Rosser Jr, John Barkley wrote:

>Now, although most
>eurofinanciers poo-poo the possibility, it is not out of
>the question that black markets in actual currencies could
>develop in the next three years, that somebody might be
>trading guilders for marks on the streets of Amsterdam, or
>wherever, for something other than the rate implied by
>their fixed ratios with the euro.  As long as these
>distinct "national forms of the euro" exist, such an
>outcome is possible.

I don't get it. Why would anyone pay more/accept less than the officially fixed rate 
between euro-zone currencies when one can always obtain the official rate from the 
European System of Central Banks?

Trevor Evans
Paul Lincke Ufer 44
10999 Berlin

Tel. & fax: +49 30 612 3951

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