Keynes at Cambridge University, who advocated government intervention to

protect the economy from the effects of the business cycle, and Hayek at

the London School of Economics, who adovated the merits of free markets,

had been theoretical opponents in economic theory since the 1930s.

Events in the 1930s had showed the socio-economic damage caused  by free

markets.  Subsequently, the macroeconomics of Keynes's 1936 General
Theory dominated acdemic circles as well as government policy

By the time Keynes died in 1945, Hayek and the classical, trade cycle
theory had very few serious followers.
Economic policy at that time emphasized demand management in which the
business cycle was beleived to be an undesirable defect to be managed
with fiscal policies of deficit financing.

Discouraged, Hayek left economic theory work, eventually chaired the
Committee on Social Thought at the University of Chicago in 1950, and
later at the University of Freiberg (1962-68) and Salzburg (1968-77).
He worked on psychology (The Sensory Order, 1952), political theory (The

Constitution of Liberty, 1960), and legal studies (Law, Legislation &
Liberty, Volumes l-lll, 1973-79) along generally conservative lines.

The so-called Socialist Calculation Controversy was prompted by the
Austrian School's critique of central planning.  From the 1920s until
the 1940s, Hayek and his fellow Austrian and teacher, Ludwig von Mises,
argued that socialism was bound to fail naturally as an economic system,

although they seemed to allow for socialism's political imperative,
albeit only as a fallacy.

Hayek maintains that only free markets, with individuals making
disaggregatd decisions in their narrow self-interest, can generate the
information necessary to intelligently coordinate social behavior.
Freedom of individual choice without "distortive" regard for social
impacts  is considered as necessary input for an efficient economy that
would lead to prosperity.
Hayek argues that free market prices are the true expression of a
rational economy.
For three decades after WWII, reality ran counter to Hayeks' theories.
Even conceptually, macro-economists began to suggest that with the aid
of computerized macro input/output models, central planning can
accomodate the very information problem that Hayek had raised.
Afterall, if the boundless comlexities of fluid mechanics in producing a

silent-runing submarine propeller can be simulated by mathematical
models, why not the dynamics of a planned economy.  Mathematics was
challenging ideology in the evaluation of theories in economics.
Paradoxically, Hayek, who implies scientific determinism in his
ideological argument for free market, is unsympathetic to the efficacy
of applying the sophisticated tools of the physical sciences to the
social sciences.

The shift from the "gun or butter" trade-off of the pre-war era to the
"gun and butter" fantasy of 1960s and '70s pushed post-war prosperity
into spiraling inflationary bubbles in countries that had benefitted
from Keynesianism, led by the United States and the U.K.

As more and more surplus value was siphoned off  to non-productive
military expenses, wages could only rise by permitting inflation to stay

ahead of them. Employment thus became hostage to the militarization of
peace.  Even then, full employment could not be maintained by Keynesian
measures in peace time because surplus value, havng been stored in
military inventory, was not being recirculated in the economy through
higher wages to sustained needed demand.

The traditional counter-cyclical therapy, such as stimulating
consumption and postponing savings through government deficit spending,
strained the elasticity of wage/price convergence, pushing the economy
into stagflation.
The macro models, imperfect as they were, showed that the principle of
"guns or butter" was immune to macro-economic management.  Too many
would produce inflation that wages simply could not catch up.

Under Cold War mentality, cutting butter became the only option.
Capital understood that managed inflation is pro-labor and
anti-capital.  Keynesian economics was essentially pro-labor in its
macro approach by treating unemployment as a social virus that healthy
doses of managed inflation should be tolerated as its cure.  Government
fiscal policy was deemed the natural venue to administer the medicine.

Capital, to combat this serious threat to its very existence, adopted a
strategy with three legs.
The first leg required that guns remained an untouchable piority.  The
rationale was that guns were needed geopolitically in a world that had
become fatally dangerous to capitalism.
The second leg required that government be blamed for high inflation and

unemployment.  Voters had to be convinced that inflation was bad for
them and that the pain workers with low wages were suffering was caused
by big government and inefficient central planning that distorted the
natural self-adjustments of a free market.
The third leg required the introduction of the threat of hyperinflation
in the economy to scare the gallible masses into accepting an
anti-government and anti-inflation frame of mind.  This leg of the
strategy encouraged the enconomy to run into prolonged runaway inflation

and recurring government deficits that hurt both labor and capital,
setting a stage for a anti-labor onslaught through anti-inflation and
anti-government rationalization in the name of protecting the welfare of

the nation.

The general public bought into the propaganda readily, but the
intellectuals had to be won over with a new school of economic thought
that would seize policy initiative from the Keynesians in government.
Hayek's discredited free market theories appeared tailor-made for this

To provide theoretical underpin for this three legged pro-capital
strategy, the old classical economics prescriptions: savings,
investment, balanced budgets, competition, productivity determined wage
levels and supply-side growth, were dug up from of the intellectual
graveyard and dusted off with new bells and whitles to be paraded as the

sound economic policy goals of good government.

Conservative politicians began to demonize Keynesianism domestically and

rational socialist economic planning internationally.
Third World socialism, burdened with endemic poverty from imperialism,
was never given a chance economically by the new financial imperialism
and politically by Cold War containment.
The Soviet Union, as the only socialist super power, fresh from a
war-torn economy, was pushed gradually but systemically into bankrupcy
by the ruinous arms race stage-managed by the "guns and butter" policy
of the US, the only capitalistic super power which had become rich in
WWII which could violate the Bretton Woods gold standard fixed exchange
rate with immunity.

To annoint respectability on the worn theories of free market voodoo
economics, as propaganda against Keynesianism in the West and socialist
planning in the Third World, Hayek was plucked from three decades of
homelessness in the economics fraternity, to be awarded a surprised
Nobel Prize in Economics in 1974.
For ideological balance, Gunnar Myrdal was named co-winner for the Nobel

Prize in the same year.  Myrdal would later published an article
advocating the abolition of the Nobel Prize for Economics, as a reaction

to the awarding of the prize to Milton Friedman and Hayek who would be
attacked for "certainly never been much troubled by epistemological
worries," not withstanding Hayek's Nobel speech, delivered in Myrdal's
presence, dealt with the subject of the methodology of economics.
Myrdal's disdain for Hayek was shared by many in academic circles,
particularly in Europe.

Nevertheless, overnight, the extremist right transformed a joker in the
person of Friedrich August von Hayek, born in 1899, died March 23, 1992
in Freiberg, Germany, to guru status, as the greatest philosopher of
capitalism since Adam Smith.

Actually, Hayek and Keynes were both fundamentally classical liberals,
the former rooted Austrian idealism, the latter in English pragmatism.
The basic ideas for both are based on individual freedom.
Keynes was seduced by political necessity. His famous phrase: "in the
long run we're all dead," implies his recognition of the importance of
immediate socio-political constraint over timeless doctrinal purity.
The difference between them was that to keep the economy going, Keynes
would fight unemployment with inflation and Hayek would fight inflation
with unemployment.  They also differed with regard to technical
measures, as relating to interest rates, money supply, liqquidity, etc.,

deemed appropriate for achieving the desired effects.

For politicans, inflation and unemployment are the two score-keeping
measurements in economic policy.
Keynes' thesis is that govemment spending is needed to bolster aggregate

demand in times of unemployment.
Hayek believed that if it were not for govemment interference with the
monetary system, the economy would have no industrial fluctuations and
no periods of depression.  To him, trade cycles are caused by government

monetary authorities creating a semi-monopoly where the basic money is
controlled by govemment.  Since banks issue secondarv money, which is
redeemable in basic money, a system of indeterminate control is
created.  So government monopoly over the issue of money is ultimately
responsible the economy's structural problems, because nobody in charge
of such a monopoly could remain true to the logic, independent of
political preasonably.

Hayek allowed that the Keynesian period from about 1950 to 1975 would go

down in history as the Great Prosperity, as opposed to the Great
Depression of the 1930s.
To Hayek, the hyperinflation of Germany in 1922 was not to maintaining
prosperity but was forced upon Germany due to financial difficulties
caused by a war debt strategy.  If the purpose of inflation was to
maintain prosperity, a much more moderate rate would have achieved the
Hayek blamed the collapses of the inflationary booms during past trade
cycles on the gold standard, which put a brake on those expansions after

a few years.  History has never had a time where a policy of deliberate
expansion was unlimited by any framework of monetary order. So
Freidman's monetary theory cannot solve any basic problems

Hayek admitted that cuts in inflation have been accomplished through
extensive unemployment. He acknowledged that ending inflation need not
lead to long-lasting periods of unemployment like the 1930s, because
then the monetary policy was wrong during the boom as well as during the

Depression, by first prolonging the boom and intensified the depression,

and then by allowing deflation to go on and prolonged the Depression.
But after an extended period of inflation, an economy cannot get out of
it without substantial unemployment.

To Hayek,  inflation causes unemployment by drawing people into jobs
which exist only because relative demand is temporarily increased, and
these temporary employments must disappear as soon as the increase in
the quantity of money ceases.

Yet, in the United States, a long period of high unemployment would
automatically strain income-maintenance programs, such as unemployment
insurance, welfare, etc., and run up enormous deficits as to threaten
monetary stability and inflation.

Hayek acknowledged that there would be intense political struggles on
the question of whether social-security benefits ought to be indexed to
inflation.  He advocated using inflation to reduce the real cost of the
social security system.   He hoped that the horror of financing this
colossal welfare bureaucracy would shock the country into a more
rational government framework.
To avoid inflation, Hayek's prescription has been to advocate that
monetary policy be pursued with the goal of maintaining stability in the

value of money. Since politicians cannot be trusted in a democracy to
regulate the money supply, market forces should be allowed to adjust
towards a gradual deflation.

Hayek wanted a free market of moeny. He viewed the gold standard as an
unsconstructive regulation. The gold standard, he argued, even if it
were nominally readopted, would never work because people are not
willing to play by the rules of the game, which for the gold standard
require that an unfavorable balance of trade leads directly to a
contraction of currency. But no government can do that; they would opt
for going off the gold standard.

Hayek attacked monetarism as represented by Friedman, by pointing out
the gold standard as based on an irrational superstition.  Hayek toyed
with the idea of a commodity-reserve system, but the idea of
accumulating actual stocks of commodities as reserves is so complex and
impractical that he shifted to place the issue of money in the hands of
firms whose businesses depend upon their success in keeping the money
they issue stable.  In that case, there is no necessity of depending
upon their obligation to redeem in commodities: it depends on the fact
that they must so regulate the supply of their money that the public
will accept the money for its stability. This is better than anything

The Keynesian economic formula seeks a symbiotic relationship with the
political forces of the modem welfare state.  Keynes accepts the need to

adjust monetary policy to a rising wage structure.
He opposes restriction on monetary policy so that it can be adjusted to
deliver a politically acceptable level of economic performance.

Hayek considers the Keynesian formula to be an unsustainable spiral. As
unions push up wages, government has to provide enough money to keep
employment at these wages, and this leads into an inflationary spiral.
Keynes does not dispute this conclusion for the long run, but practical
application of Keynesian measure seem to work at least in the short run.

Hayek's The Road to Serfdom warns of the invasion of the welfare state
in people's private lives, the fundamental conflict between liberty and
The Austrian economists who view the economics system as the calculus of

independent indivdual decisions differ with Milton Friedman and the
Chicago School, which think macro-economically in analyzing total
quantity of money, total price level, total employment,etc., in
aggregates and averages terms. Friedman is an arch-positivist who
believes nothing must enter scientific arguments except what is
empirically proven, while Hayek theoretically rejects the usefulness of
statistical studies.

Hayek observes that the Keynesian explanation of unemployment is more
acceptable by economists over the classical explanation because the
former can be statistically tested while the latter cannot. From that
point of view, Milton's monetarism and Keynesianism have more in
with each other than Hayekian theory has with either.

Hayek's rejection of socialists thinking is based on his view that
prices are an instrument of communication and guidance, which embodies
more information than each market participant individually processes.
To him, it is impossible to bring about the same price-based order based

on the division of labor by any other means.  Similarly, the
distributions of incomes based on a vague concept of merit or need is
impossible. Prices, including the prices of labor, are needed to direct
people to go where they can do the most good. The only effective
distribution is one derived from market principles. On that basis, Hayek

intellectually rejects socialism.

In Hayek's social philosophy, value and merit are and ought to be two
distinctly separate issues. Individuals should be remunerated purely on
the basis of value and not in accordance with any concept of justice,
whether it be the Puritan ethic or egalitarianism.
Hayek went a far as to deny that the concept of social justice has any
meaning whatever, on the basis that justice refers to rules of
individual conduct.  Since no rules of the conduct of individuals can
determine how  the good things of life should be distributed, the
question of justice is mute.  Since a free market is the natural outcome

of a multitude of individual decisions, how the market decides is

Accordingly, a spontaneously working market, where prices act as guides
to action, cannot take account of what people need or deserve, because
it operates according to a neutral distribution system which nobody has
designed.  Such a distribution system cannot be just or unjust.
And the idea that things ought to be designed in a 'just' manner means,
in effect, that one must abandon the market and turn to a planned
economy in which somebody decides how much each ought to have.
And the price for that justice is the complete abolition of personal

Hayek's free market ideas have been applied to much of unregulated
globalization, the socio-economic damage is now very visible.  Not
withstanding Hayek's repugnant social philosphy, even his "scientific"
claims on the effectiveness of free markets has not been substantiated
by events.

Henry C.K. Liu

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