My remarks on the Harvard Trade Union Program is conditioned by incessant
criticism from some quarters in American labor on China's policy on unionism.
The following has been posted by me on another list in response to that
It may be pertinent to this discussion.

In politics, context is all.
The protracted war against historical capitalism has been waged on only one true
The aim of that front is focused on abolishing capitalism.  That front has
been known as the struggle for socialism.
A second false front aims at adopting strategies of bargaining with
capitalists.  This approach has led to the formation of labor unions, known
generally in history as unionism.
Unionism, over its long history, has evolved from guilds to trade unionism to
industrial unionism.

The struggle for socialism aims at the extinction of the private employer.
Unionism aims at preserving the private employer with attractive profit in
order that collective bargaining may produce more benefits for workers.

The contradiction between the struggle for socialism and unionism is that the
former is progressive and the latter is regressive, if not reactionary, in
the historical process of human social organization.

The internal contradictions within this protracted war on capitalism are
complex and continually changing as the nature and structure of capitalism
change over time.
The intellectuals of the movement behind socialism, represented by Marx,
Engels, Blanc, Lassalle, Lenin, Mao, and many others past and present, tend to
focus on changing the basic capitalistic structure of the economy in a time
scale of historical epochs.
Unionists tend to focus on immediate gains in wages and benefits within the
existing capitalistic system.
Both foci are rational according to their separate perspectives.  But
inevitably, these two foci are mutually neutralizing in their ultimate purposes,
despite apparent convergence of operational objectives.

After the failures of the Revolutions of 1848, socialist movements diverged
from unionist movements.  Unionists drew comfort in the post-48 era of
relative fuller employment, rising wages and increasing prosperity for all
classes in the imperialist countries., while socialists adhered to the
doctrine of revolution.
The rise of bourgeois liberalism in the 1850s suceeded in sanitizing all
revolutionary zeal from unionists through the repeal of the repressive anti
labor Le Chapelier Act of 1791 in France, and the Combination Act of 1799 in
Britain, and by granting labor unions legal status.
The British unions received tacit recognition from the Liberal Tories in
1825, and explicit recognition from Gladstones' Liberal ministry in 1871.
French unions were recognized by Napoleon III during his "Liberal Empire"
(1860-70), and subsequently disbanded by the revolutionary Paris Commune in
1871, and finally legalized fully in 1884.
In Germany, Bismarck negotiated with labor leaders as a counter ploy to
manage vested conservative interests in his grand strategy of realpolitiks
for a unified Germany as a European power that eventually led to two world wars.

The prosperity of the 1850s favored the formation of unions.  The trade
unions organized skilled workers, such as carpenters, as the first
prototype.  In 1851, the Amalgamated Society of Engineers, machinists, was a new
model of unionism with a non-political agenda.  It rejected the semi-socialism
of the Chartists and abandoned Robert Owen's "one big union" for all workers, by
concentrating on the advancement the exclusive interests of each separate
trade.  The agenda aimed at collaborating with employers, avoid strike except as
a threat of last resort, maximizing union funds and expanding monopolistic
representation by limiting new memberships.  English politics, reassured by the
unexpected moderation of these new working class representatives, gave the urban
workers the right to vote in 1867.

Twenty years later, marked by the great London dock strike of 1889 which closed
the port of London for the first time since the French Revolution a century
earlier, in which the rank and file revolted against the union leaders,
industrial unionism was born.  Industrial unionism brought together all workers
in one industry, such as coal or transportation, regardless of skills or job
classification, into one unified union.  The leader of the powerful Transport
and General Workers Union, Ernest Bevin, became the representative of the trade
union element in the Labour Party, served in Churchill's coalition war cabinet
as Labour Minister (1940-45) and subsequently as Labour Foreign Minister
(1945-51).  As Foreign Secretary, Bevin followed a anti Soviet Cold War policy
that laid the foundation for NATO and formalized an alliance with rising US

Trade unionism in Britain retarded British socialist politics.  By the 1880s,
when socialists were a political force in French, Belgian and German
parliaments, Britain only had half a dozen "Lib-Labs" labourites elected on
the Liberal ticket.  While on the Continent, labor unions were controlled or
brought into existence by socialist political parties, British unions gave
birth to and later led the Labour Party which developed non socialist
tradition than its Continental counterparts, with regard to public ownership
of the means of production, British Labour was busy defending unions as
respectable institutions of the establishment.
It was only when the very existence of unions was threatened by the British
courts' Taff Vale decision, which held unions financially responsible for
business losses incurred by employers during strikes, that the Labor Party sent
29 members to Parliament to overturn the decision.
The Liberal Party, to retain the working class vote, put through a
spectacular program of social welfare, for which David Lloyd George was
smeared with the insulting label of socialist by his conservative opponents.

After the failures of 1848, socialism went into abeyance for  two decades.
Marx published his "Das Kapital" in 1867  (first English trans. in 1887, 4
years after his death, with Volume II and III, ed. by Engels 1884-94, Eng.
trans 1907-9). The manuscript for the fourth volume was edited by Karl
Kautsky and published as Theroien uber den Mehrwert (3 parts, 1905-10)  The
English translation of the 1st part , A History of Economic Theroies, was not
published until 1952!  Selected translations were published as Theories of
Surplus Value in 1951.

Marx rejected utopian socialism  and introduced scientific socialism.
Louis Blanc (1811-82), in his Organization du Trvail, published 1840, from which
sprung the famous "from each according to his ability, to each
according to his needs", advocated workers cooperatives supported by the
state, provided a link between utopian and scientific socialism.
Breaking with the tradition of natural rights as a basis for reform, Marx
invoked "inevitable" laws of historical premises.
Through dialectic materialism, which presumes the primacy of economic
determinants in history, the premise of class struggle holds that a specific
class can rule only as long as it represents the productive forces of
society, and from this historical process, a classless society would
eventually emerge.

Class struggle has nothing to do with promoting hatred between classes, as
capitalist propaganda fear mongering would have us believe.
Class struggle leads to the demise of capitalism out of a scientific
historical process by the nature of economic concepts such as the labor
theory of value and the idea of surplus value.
These concepts argue that the value of a commodity is determined by the
amount of labor required for its manufacture.  The value of the commodities
purchasable by the worker's wage is less than the value of the commodities he
produces, the difference, called surplus value, is the profit for the capitalist
who owns the capital.

As productivity improves through industrialization, the fruits of production
are kept from the workers who contribute most to its production, through the
exploitation of labor by capital via the capitalistic structures in the
economy. If and when these exploitative features are removed, capitalism will be
replaced by socialism as feudalism had once been replaced by capitalism.

It is when the capitalist class employs armed resistance to this natural
development that makes revolution by the working class necessary. Socialist
revolutionaries seeks to destroy only the political structure that seeks to foil
the natural evolutionary dysfunction of capitalism.  Capitalism itself has
already outlasted its socio-economic function in history.

During more than three decades in London, Marx had little contact with
British labour leaders.  The International Workers Men Association, known as the
First International, Marx denounced the German Lassalleans for their
collaboration with Bismarck, arguing that socialist should seize the state
rather than cooperating with a bourgeois one.
Marx also denounce Bakunin's anarchism, arguing that the state is a tool in
class struggle and that the immediate enemy was the capitalistic economic
system and that the withering away of the state can come only after a
classless society has been established.
The collapse of the Paris Commune of 1871, suppressed with bloody ferocity by
the French bourgeoisie that resulted in the execution of 17,000 people,
including women and children, instead of drawing outrage from labor unionists,
created a reactionary backlash that dissipated the First
Marx praised the Paris Commune and introduced the concept of the dictatorship of
the proletariat as a defensive counter measure against future reactionary
Considering the high political stakes, the aftermath of the Tiananmen
incident in 1989 was pale by comparison to bourgeois brutality.

In 1875, at the Gotha conference, a coalition of Marxist and Lassalean
socialists found the German Social Democratic Party.  It was followed by a
Belgian Socialist Party, and a French Partie socialiste, led by Jules Guesde
(1845-1922), a Cummunard Marxist who advocated a policy of no compromise with
the existent regime, who serve as a deputy (1893-1921) and in the cabinet during
WWI.  In 1883, two Russian exiles in Switzerland, Plekhanov and Axelrod, founded
the Russian Social Democratic Party, from which the Russia Communist Party was
eventually derived.

These socialist parties constituted the Second International.  They tended to
flourish in countries that were industrialized, that enjoyed universal
suffrage and that were without a strong system of unions.
Thus unionism was a preventive against even mild social democratic programs, let
alone socialist revolution.
In Britain, the Fabians, named after Roman general Fabius Cunctator, famed
strategist for gradual methods, who satirized their own alleged commitment to
socialism by claiming municipal ownership of waterworks as steps towards a
socialist society, joined with the unions to form the Labour Party.

The workers under these regimes, and their union officials, deluded
themselves in theory as being locked in an heroic and protracted struggle
with capitalism, but in practice they were merely aiming to get a little more
for themselves out of their employers' business in exchange for their docile
complicity.  They mouthed internationalism of workers interests, but in
practice they worked only for narrow legislation for domestic workers.  Above
all they were fervent, chauvinistic supporters of imperialism.  This approach
was condemned by Marx as opportunism.

Repeatedly the Second International warned its component parties against
wholesale collaboration with capitalism, identified as revisionism as led by
Jean Jaures (1859-1914) in France and Eduard Berstein (1850-1932) in Germany.

Even within the unionist movement, radical Syndicalism led by George Sorel
(1847-1922), through the use of the general strike, made headway only in Italy,
Spain and France where unionism were weak.
Karl Kautsky (1954-1938) attacked the revisionists as compromisers who
betrayed Marxism for petty bourgeois ends and Lenin (1870-1924) demanded that
revisionists be expelled from the Russian Social Democratic Party at the 1903
congress in London.

In America, the early labor unions were guilds for skill craftsmen rather
than factory workers who had pitifully little bargaining power due to their
easy replacability.
Labor solidarity, lacking a strong tradition due to the American heritage of
individualism and general disdain for socialist values, was impeded further
by racial, ethnic, linguistic and religious differences among workers, and by
the prejudices harbored by native-born American workers against blacks and new

In 1865, William H. Sylvis organized the National Labor Union which claimed a
membership of 600,000 by 1868, but disbanded within 4 years due external
pressure and internal dispute over the correctness of pushing for political
reforms without sufficient sense for realism.
A year later, in 1869, Uriah  Stephens organized the Knights of Labor (KOL),
with agrarian idealism and Jacksonian individualism under the slogan: "Every man
his own master and employer".  Membership was universal, excluding only lawyers,
bankers, stockbrokers, liquor dealers, and professional gamblers.  It sought to
achieve its goal by organizing cooperatives and through legislation rather than
conflict with the employing class.
Despite being buoyant by a period of rising labor militancy, with a member up to
700,000 by 1886 under the leadership of Terence Powderly, the KOL floundered by
failing to support strikes, in preference for producer's
cooperatives that eventually failed as a result of mismanagement or business

The American Federation of Labor (AFL) was organized in 1881 under the
leadership of Samuel Gompers, with salaried professional officials, strict
discipline, regular dues and strike funds and insurance.  The Sherman Act was at
times used by the court to issue injunctions against strikes based on a
"restraint of trade" argument.  The Fourteenth Amendment was used to declare
labor laws unconstitutional until the 1935 Wagner Act which legalized the right
to collective bargaining.

Eugene Debs, the Railway Union leader, emerged from a 6-month prison term for
contempt of court, became the leader of the Socialist Party, but received little
labor support even for its mild program of peaceful and democratic methods.
The Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) was formed in 1893 with one million
members, known as "Wobblies", organized by William D. Haywood, a mine workers
leader.  It offered a radical program calling for the revolutionary overthrow of
the capitalistic system.  It was crushed during the wave of anti radical
hysteria following WWI.

The New Deal was a continuation of the Progressive Movement.  Its main
purpose was to save capitalism by bringing about recovery.  It sought through
government public works programs and deficit financing to stop the process of
deflation  and unemployment.
In 1935, a group of militant union leaders, including John L. Lewis of  the
United Mine Workers, Sidlney Hillman of the amalgamated Clothing workers and
Dvid Dubinsky of the International Ladies Garment Workers, noting the failure of
the AFL to respond to the demand for industrial unionism, broke away and set up
a Committee for industrial Organization (CIO).  Under the leadership of Lewis,
CIO expanded rapidly and won notable successes in steel and automobiles.
By 1940, total union membership reached 9 million, although still only 25% of
the work force, but unions was strongly entrenched in all basic industries.

The New Deal failed in its primary objective of full employment through
revival of production. There was no attempt to make structural changes in the
ownership and control of basic  economic enterprises.  In fact, American
corporations were bigger and more concentrated in 1940 than in 1929.  It did
provide an extensive social safety net program and increased government
responsibility in the regulation of commerce.

The forces of global labor abuse reside in the core and not the periphery of
the global economic system.
Globalization, as promoted by neo-liberalism through the ideology of
deregulation and free markets, effectively undercuts the bargaining power of
unions in advanced economies.
These unions misguidedly attack socialist governments in the emerging
economies rather than capitalist governments of advance economies which its
regards as allies rather than enemies.

Industrial unionism was a appendix of industrial capitalism.  In its failure
to response to the emergence of finance capitalism, it turns its frustration
on China and other low wage targets of neo-liberal globalization.
Attacking socialist curb on unionism is comparable to attacking
penicillin for it curative power against infection.
American labor should push for legislation requiring American multinationals to
adopt a "portable" minimum wage regime for theri global activities.

Henry C.K. Liu

"Ellen T. Frank" wrote:

> I apologize for any criticism of Elaine Barnard and the Harvard Trade Union
> Program  that some may have inferred from my earlier post (meant
> humorously!).  Elaine Barnard is a terrific person, a wonderful speaker and
> superb organizer.
> My comment about the HTUP derived from a talk Elaine gave a few years back
> in which she said, I believe, that Harvard understands power and needs to
> keep an eye on a potentially powerful enemy.  She also pointed out the huge
> disparity between Harvard's funding of labor (a few rooms in Harvard Square
> for Elaine and a tiny staff) and its funding of capital (the B-school).
>  On the subject of accepting succor from capital, let me share a brief
> anecdote.  I heard a talk recently of an ex-nun, now a feminist and
> extremely hostile to the Catholic church, who nevertheless teaches religion
> at a Catholic college.  She was asked why she remained there,  why, since
> she disagreed with Catholic doctrine, she bothered even engaging in
> theological disputes with the church. She replied that she would not be
> driven out and leave the old men in control of all the resources and wealth.
>         Ellen Frank

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