Who's Sticking to the Union?


New York Review, February 18, 1999 

(Complete article is at http://www.nybooks.com/nyrev/index.html)

--From the Ashes of the Old: American Labor and America's Future by Stanley
Aronowitz 246 pages, $25.00 (hardcover) published by Houghton Mifflin 

--Combating the Resurgence of Organized Labor: A Modern Guide to Union
Prevention by Alfred T. DeMaria, 544 pages, $125.00 (paperback), published
by Communications Training Institute 

--The Unions and the Democrats: An Enduring Alliance by Taylor E. Dark, 233
pages, $37.50, published by Cornell University Press 

--Graduate Student Unionization Controversy at Yale University by the Yale
University Office of Public Affairs and

The statistics are striking. At the end of 1997, when the most recent
complete count was made, 14.1 percent of employed Americans belonged to
unions, the lowest proportion since 1936. At the close of World War II,
when membership was at its height, 35.3 percent of working men and women
carried union cards. 

Currently, 41.9 percent of union members are in the public sector, up from
25.8 percent twenty years ago. During this period, also, the number of
women rose from 22.7 percent to 39.4 percent of total membership rolls.
Moreover, 55.7 percent of union members have attended college, almost
exactly the ratio for the workforce as a whole. Among the most strongly
organized occupations are firefighters (71.6 percent), flight attendants
(69.4 percent), and high school teachers (56.1 percent). Only 28.6 percent
of coal miners now belong to unions, and only 19.5 percent of truck drivers. 

The teamsters union, with the son of Jimmy Hoffa as its new president,
currently has 1.4 million members, down from 2.3 million when his father
was its head. (Nor is there much likelihood that these losses will be
reversed, as Hoffa's support comes largely from local satraps who have
shown little interest in mounting organizing drives.) During the last two
decades, the wage advantage for unionized workers with private jobs has
fallen by 44.1 percent, although in the public sector it has moved up 9.5

The reasons for the fall in membership have been much discussed. One cause,
clearly, has been the decline of manufacturing in America and the transfer
of much manufacturing work abroad. Because of labor-saving innovations,
moreover, fewer people are needed to make steel or assemble cars. As a
result, 16.1 percent of US workers now work in factories, down from 22.8
percent twenty years ago. There are also fewer people on corporate
payrolls, which in the past were more likely to sign industrywide
contracts. In the latest available count, the 800 largest US firms employed
17.0 percent of the overall workforce, against 25.7 percent twenty years
earlier. Many of these companies now have much of their work done abroad or
farm it out to relatively small domestic suppliers. Nike does not make a
single sneaker in the United States; many publishers are sending
typesetting overseas; insurance companies are having paperwork processed

At home, corporate jobs are frequently assigned to temporary workers, who
are often classed as "independent contractors," and are not easily reached
in union organizing campaigns. Indeed, there are fewer long-term jobs,
something union seniority could once guarantee. Last year, among men aged
forty to forty-five, only 39.1 percent had worked ten or more years for
their current employer, compared with 51.1 percent in 1983. 

"Back to the Future" could have been an alternate title of Stanley
Aronowitz's plea for a revitalized labor movement. The famous labor leaders
of the 1930s-Walter Reuther of the auto workers, John L. Lewis of the
miners, Harry Bridges of the longshoremen-haunt his pages. (How many of
today's union heads can we name?) So do the heady days of sit-down strikes
and face-offs with National Guardsmen. Hence, too, Aronowitz's epigraph,
from the old anthem: "Solidarity forever, for the union makes us strong!" 

Reviving the labor movement won't be easy. Only one in seven workers now
belongs to unions, and in the private sector it is one in ten. True, the
AFL-CIO signed up 400,000 new members in 1997, ranging from hotel workers
in Las Vegas and janitors in Denver to nurses in San Diego. Yet during the
same year, unions lost 200,000 members, because locals were decertified or
(more likely) plants and companies closed or moved away. Given the size of
today's workforce, unions would have to find 15 million new members to
return to their 1945 high.2 1 Most of these figures and those in the tables
accompanying this review are from Barry T. Hirsch and David A. Macpherson,
Union Membership and Earnings Data Book (Bureau of National Affairs, 1998)…

Louis Proyect


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