Yes Jery you are right, Doug Henwod is an evil exploiter of cheap, young
laborers and Lou Proyet is a nefarious racist pig...Neither makes an even
remotely valuable contribution to this list indeed.  


On Sat, 6 Feb 1999, Gerald Levy wrote:

> An intelligent discussion would begin by reading the references that
> Anwar Shaikh (NB: _not_ "Sheik") gives rather than spinning one's
> wheels in ignorance.
> Or is it too much to ask that one become familiar with a person's work
> before passing judgment on it?
> Jerry 
> PS1: As this same person has on *several occasions* referred to "Anwar
> Sheik", one has to believe that this is not an accidental error in
> spelling. One could argue instead that this "humor" has racist overtones.
> PS2 (to Michael and PEN, in reference to PS1): am I not allowed to object
> to racist statements on PEN-L?

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