American Airlines is a major sponsor to and supporter of groups like:
GLADD, the Human Rights Campaign, the Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund,
the AIDS Action Foundation, DIFFA, AmFAR, and scores of
community-based groups representing gays and lesbians.  It is also the
first airline to adopt a written non-discrimination policy covering
sexual orientation in its employment practices.

In an unusual joint letter released to the media on March 14th from
the Family Research Council, Concerned Women of America, American
Family Association and Coral Ridge Ministries, American Airlines        
openly criticized about their policy. Radical right leader Beverly
LaHaye also went on Christian "talk radio" on Friday to blast American
Airlines because American's sponsorship of homosexual 'pride' events
constitutes an open endorsement of "promiscuous homosexuality."

She and the other groups have written Bob Crandall at American to 
that the airline has "gone beyond mere tolerance" of gays and lesbians.
It has come to the attention of the gay and lesbian community that
American Airline's switchboard and e-mails are being bombarded now by
homophobic and hateful callers who have been urged by LaHaye and others
to DEMAND the company terminate its gay-friendly policies.
You don't have to be gay or lesbian or, for that matter, of any
particular sexual nature to respond to this message.  You only have to
be decent and have a desire to take one small step in opposing bigotry.
Please add your name to this petition and forward it to as many people
as you can.

IMPORTANT:  Do not use the "Forward" utility in your
mail program. Instead, cut and paste this message onto a new page, add
your name to the bottom of the list, and email it out.
If you are the 25th, 50th, 75th, 100th, etc. person to sign this
petition, then also please forward this to American Airlines at

We, the undersigned, support your gay/lesbian rights policies and
commend you for your efforts in ending discrimination. Thank you        
your dedication to such issues and please continue to remain active in
the struggle to end discrimination.
1.      Laura Markowitz
2.      Michael Shernoff
3.      Bruce Koff
4.      Mitchell Channon
5.      Randi Levin
6.      Kate Todd
7.      Caroline Jestin
8.      Paula Chu, Harwinton, CT
9.      Jack Hasegawa, Woodbridge, CT
10.     Bill Howe, Glastonbury, CT
12.     Ellen Ornato, Meriden, CT
13.     Sharon Feldman Rowe, Dobbs Ferry, NY
14.     Susan Reiter, NYC
15.     Tom Savage, NYC
16.     Hastings Wyman, Washington,DC
17.     Charlie Mehler, Chicago, IL
18.     John Birch, Oak Brook, IL
19.     Phil Ross, San Francisco, CA
20.     Jack Patrick McGowan
21.     Asa DeMatteo, Ph.D., San Francisco, CA
22.     Thomas J. Brady, M.D., FAPP, San Francisco, CA
23.     Richard Clemence, Grass Valley, CA
24.     John Cahill, San Francisco, CA
24.     Melinda Hutchings, Sacramento, CA
25.     Grace L. Blair, M.D., Diamond Springs, CA
26.     Andrea J. Sirott, Berkeley, CA
27.     Carmen Murray, San Jose, CA
28.     Bernardo Antonio Gonzxlez, Middletown, CT
29.     Noah Isenberg, Brooklyn, NY
30.     Brett Wheeler, Washington, DC
31.     Jeffrey Inslee, El Cerrito, CA
32.     Peter Dahlin, El Cerrito, CA
33.     Sue Lampson. Los Gatos, CA
34.     Marylou McCall, Los Gatos, CA
35.     Lori Cuesta, Mountain View, CA
36.     Kelly Howard, Fremont, CA
37.     Carmen Fewless, San Leandro, CA
38.     Lynne Olivier, San Francisco
39.     Robin Tremblay-McGaw, San Francisco, CA
40.     Deena Zacharin, San Francisco, CA
41.     Laurel Wigham, San Francisco, CA
42.     John Beem, San Francisco, CA
43.     Susan Riggs, Portland, OR
44.     Jamie Meyers,Portland, OR
45.     Janet Brandt, Portland, OR
46.     Eva Gold, Portland OR
47.     Nan Narboe
48.     Daniel Berman MSW, Portland, OR
49.     Stephen P. Samuels, Columbus, OH
50.     Laurie S. Pascal, Boston, MA
51.     Ross Pascal, Boston, MA
52.     Roger Pascal. Evanston, IL
53.     Ann Rae Heitland, Flagstaff, AZ
54.     Lillian A. Santamaria, Flagstaff, AZ
55.     Phyllis SantaMaria Gove, London, England, UK
56.     Wendy Tobitt, Kenilworth, Warwickshire, England,UK
57.     Mo Shapiro, Gayhurst, Milton Keynes, England UK
58.     Sue Quilliam, Milton Keynes, England, UK
59.        Suzie Hayman, Kendal, Cumbria, UK
60.     Robert Durie, Blackrock, Dublin, Ireland
61.     Karen Kiernan, Cabra, Dublin, Ireland
62.     Ivana Bacik, Herbert Place, Dublin, Ireland
63.    Catherine Morley, 19 Donore Road, Dublin, Ireland
64.     Freda Donoghue, Donore Road, Dublin, Ireland
65.     Wojtek Sokolowski, Baltimore, MD

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