>Why would anyone object to Dave Richardson's amazingly useful reports?  I,
>for one, don't have time to read every major paper every day and find lots
>of interesting nuggets in the Daily Labor Reports.  Please keep them
>coming, Dave!
>                       Ellen Frank

Oh please, Geri doesn't really have any major problems with Dave's reports.
He just included him in his diatribe so it wouldn't appear that he was
making attempt number 117 to start a flame war with me. He has been warned
to stop causing trouble, but this doesn't seem to be working. This reminds
me of my one-month stint as a schoolteacher in 1968 at an Intermediate
School in Harlem. When I first warned a student that I was going to bring
in their parents, they'd sit down at their seats and keep quiet. On the
second warning, they'd sit down but begin whispering to their neighbor. On
the third warning, they'd stay out of their seats and start yelling "fuck
you". On my final day, I had gotten to my fourth warning, when the
principal spotted me from the classroom window facing the hallway and came
in and untied me.

Louis Proyect


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