>This is the early Freud. He rejected the seduction theory. It's been
>revived by the recovered memory industry, with the intellectual assistance
>of Jeff Masson, the former Romeo who mended his ways & took up with
>Catherine MacKinnon. Generally, I think daily newspapers are a poor guide
>to philosphy and intellectual history, though they are a lot easier to read
>than the real thing.

If the "recovered memory industry" bases itself on the scandalously
unscientific "early Freud", what does this say about Freud's approach? What
did he replace it with? The Oedipal Complex? Which is based on the notion
that when patients repress their sexual desire for the parent of the
opposite sex, they develop medical complaints like vomiting or dizzy
spells? This is a step upwards? If you believe that the Oedipal Complex has
anything to do with medical science, then you can believe anything.

For Freud successful resolution of the Oedipus complex was the precondition
for healthy sexuality, which he called the genital phase. This occurs when
the boy abandons his sexual desire for the parent of the opposite sex in
favour of a more suitable love object. In the case of the girl,
disappointment over not having a penis is transcended by the rejection of
her mother in favour of a father figure. In both cases, sexual maturity
means heterosexual behaviour.

This is mumbo-jumbo. It is false science based on conjecture mixed with
literary references. It is astonishing that psychoanalysts made a living
based on these superstitions throughout the 40s and 50s. Nowadays,
physicians prescribe medication, which is about the best thing you can do
for people who are suffering. 

Louis Proyect


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