>Uh-oh, that's my subject line but Rev Tom's gratuitous sexism under
>Maggie 'n Angela gonna eat you alive, Reverend.  Mebbe Milton
>sell you a seat on his getaway plane.

gratuitous it is, valis.... but i don't quite know why this is sexist.
wasn't this just another occassion of the natural inclination of
aryans to not comprehend anything other than the work ethic?  milton
might like it though, give him a call.


>> For those who haven't yet grasped the socio-cultural/economic
>> of the Y2K bug:
>> >Memo from a Blonde Y2K Programmer:
>> >            ^^^^^^
>> >I hope I haven't misunderstood your instructions, because to be
>> >none of the panic surrounding this "Y" to "K" date problem makes
any sense
>> >to me.  My assignment has been completed on time, and way under

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