Yes, that's a friendly amendment.

Peter Dorman

Patrick Bond wrote:
> > From:          Peter Dorman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >... The economics, as they say, is impeccable.  The utility initially
> > owns the water.  They establish a marginal cost pricing rule (or
> > something similar incorporating externalities etc.) and make everyone
> > pay.  So that the poor can have a basic supply they would be issued
> > vouchers on the proceeds from sales to the well-off.  You could, of
> > course, cut out the pay and voucher stages and just give the poor the
> > water.
> But we don't want to divide the "poor" from everyone else. Good
> social policy is universal-entitlement policy, without means tests.
> Free 50 l/c/d per day for everyone, that's the slogan. (I use my
> first 50 litres after 10 minutes, flushing and showering, in fact
> there goes about 100 litres...)
> P.

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