>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/13/00 03:11PM >>>
Lou says that market socialism is finished. If so, so is socialism, since the 
Hayek-Mises critique of planning remains without a credible answer on the left. Better 
pack it in, then. 


CB: Speak for yourself.


As I say, while particular theses and claims of the AMs are debtable, and they cannot 
be all right together, since there was vigorous disagreement among them, and stillis 
amongst theremaining ones, the project did not collapse because it run into 
insuperable objections or problems it could not solve. It collapsed, to the (rather 
considerable) extent that it has, because many ofits leading lights lost interest. 

Among the most valuable work that remains in the body of work created by the AMs is 
the subtle and articulated defense of various forms of market socialism, notably 
Schweickart's Against Capitalism. S has a new book coming out summarizing the big book 
and dealing with subsequent objections. There will be a panel at the RPA in Chicago on 
this this fall. (I will be on it.)


In a message dated Thu, 13 Jul 2000 11:09:19 AM Eastern Daylight Time, Louis Proyect 

<< >I think AM was abandoned rather than died of natural causes. Too many of
the leading participants gave up on socialism or any kind of advocacy for
it. This was, I think, for broad sociological reasons, the failure of a
left movement to emnerge after the collapse of communism, the feeling of
futility at banging your head against the wall, the sense that from a
political practical point of view, red flags and hammers and sickles are
impediments and not assets, etc. The idea of  talking about Marxist
questions with rigor and clarity, using any tools that are available from
philosophical analysis and mainstream social science, which is the heart of
AM, that is as viable as it ever was. 

One other key element of the demise of AM is the market socialism they
often upheld. When the Gorbachev experiment failed, when the CCP went off
the deep end welcoming in Nike, etc., when Yugoslavia imploded, it made it
more difficult to talk about the benefits of including market mechanisms in
a socialist society. If AM is finished, so is market socialism. 

Louis Proyect

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