---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 9 Apr 1999 10:42:37 -0400
From: Eric Fawcett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: sfp lists

For those of you who have had enough of listservers as an alternative
medium, the end may be in sight, when like most of our fellow-citizens
without PCs the only source of information will be CNN, G&M, NY Times,
etc. See Noam Chomsky and Edward Herman's "Manufacturing Consent" to
understand what that means!

A study prepared for the US military on what they call "Netwar"
that they must center attention on countering the activities of NGOs
Internet communication.

The study was sponsored by the US Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence

and was produced in the RAND Arroyo Center's Strategy and Doctrine
Program. The Arroyo Center is a federally funded research and
center sponsored by the United States Army. Based on an analysis of the
international solidarity developed by NGOs in support of the Zapatistas,

it particularly targets the APC as a network for NGOs. The following
indicates the thrust of the study:

"The most important remains the Association for Progressive
(APC), which, as discussed earlier, is a worldwide partnership of member

networks (like Peacenet and Conflictnet) that provides low-cost computer

communications services and information-sharing tools to individuals and

NGOs working on social issues."

 The full report (in Adobe Acrobat format) is at:

 see also eGroup home: http://www.eGroups.com/list/mediamentor
 Free Web-based e-mail groups by eGroups.com

--- end of forward ---

Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
Chico, CA 95929

Tel. 530-898-5321

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