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Date sent:              Mon, 19 Apr 1999 12:33:08 -0700
To:                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
From:                   Sid Shniad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:                BELGRADE 17-NGO APPEAL



Deeply shocked by NATO strikes devastation of our country and 
the plight of Kosovo Albanians, we, the representatives of non-
governmental organizations and the Nezavisnost Trade Union 
Confederation, energetically demand from those who have created 
this tragedy to immediately take all necessary steps to create 
conditions for the resumption of peace process.

For two weeks now the most powerful military, political and 
economic countries in the world have been killing people and 
destroying military and civilian facilities, bridges, railway lines, 
factories, heating plants, storage facilities and fuel tanks. This has 
produced an exodus of unprecedented proportions. Hundreds of 
thousands of Yugoslavs, primarily ethnic Albanians, are forced to 
leave their devastated homes to escape the bombing and military 
actions of the regime and KLA, in the hope that they will find 
salvation in the tragic status of refugee. It is obvious that all this 
leads to a catastrophe and that a negotiated and peaceful solution to 
the Kosovo problem, which we have urged for years, is now farther 
than ever.

Our effort to develop democracy and a civic society in Yugoslavia 
and help it restore its membership of all international institutions 
have taken place under constant pressure by the Serbian regime. 
We, the representatives of civil groups and organizations, have 
courageously and consistently fought against every war-mongering 
and nationalistic policy, and for the respect of human rights, and 
particularly against the repression of Kosovo Albanians.

We have always insisted on the respect of their human rights and 
freedoms and on the restoration of autonomy for Kosovo. 
Throughout this period, Serb and Albanian civil society groups 
were the only ones to retain contacts and cooperation.

The NATO intervention has destroyed everything that has been 
achieved so far and the very survival of the civic society in Serbia. 
Faced with the current tragic situation, we put up the following 
demands in the name of humanity and values and ideas that have 
been guiding us in our activities:

  We demand an immediate cessation of bombing and all armed operations; 

  We demand the resumption of peace process with international 
mediation at the regional (Balkan) and European level, as well as in 
the United Nations;

  We demand from the European Union and Russia to take their 
charge of responsibility for finding a peaceful solution to the crisis; 

  We demand an end to the practice of ethnic cleansing and 
repatriation of all refugees; 

  We demand support for peace, stability and democratization of 
Montenegro and every possible action aimed at helping this republic 
alleviate the disastrous consequences of the refugee crisis; 

  We demand from Serbian and international media to report 
professionally and impartially about current developments, to 
refrain from participation in the media war and from fanning inter-
ethnic hatred, hysteria and glorification of force as the only 
reasonable way out of the crisis.

We are unable to achieve this on our own. We expect from you to 
support our demands and help us realise them through your actions 
and initiatives.  

- Association of Citizens for Democracy, Social Justice and 
Support for Trade Unions 
- Belgrade Circle 
- Center for Cultural Decontamination 
- Center for Democracy and Free Elections
- Center for Transition to Democracy 
- Civic Initiatives 
- EKO Center 
- European Movement in Serbia 
- Forum for Ethnic Relations and Foundation for Peace and Crisis 
- Group 484 
- Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Serbia 
- Students Union of Serbia 
- Union for Truth About Anti-Fascist Resistance 
- VIN: Weekly Video News 
- Women in Black 
- Yugoslavian Lawyers Committee for Human Rights, and 
- NEZAVISNOST Trade Union Confederation. 

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