Max Sawicky wrote:

>Regarding the predictions of future apostasy by all non-believers, well I
>had a vision after a particularly strong dose of green mustard on my sushi,
>and *I* saw the future.  Louis is the best-selling author of "Kosher Latino
>Loving";  Henwood's newsletter has switched its coverage to neural network
>stocks; Yoshie is president of the MLA, whose membership has dwindled to 3,
>and orders the execution of Camille Paglia for unspecified crimes against
>the humanities; Perelman is pouring sand out of his boot; Walker is
>threatening to write a book; Carrol is grumpy; Devine is writing e-mail and
>grading papers; Nathan Newman is the first Jewish president of the U.S.; and
>I'm winning the U.S. Open (Seniors' Division).

Golfing triumphs fill your fantasies, Max? I'm worried about you. Too long
in DC? Too many years looking at budgets? Slip into a nurse's uniform or


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