> >From leftist sources, it was richly documented during the Columbia
> Univ. uprising of '68 detailing the role of David Truman (name?), then
> a dean at Columbia) in the final participation in Lumumba's murder.
> Carrol

yeah, David Truman, although I think he was vice-president...he was 
the admin person who promised the students that the cops would not 
be called in...

a political scientist, Truman's early '50s book _The Governmental 
Process_ (basically a restating of Arthur Bentley's turn of the 
century _The Process of Government_, note similar titles) was 
probably the first expression of pluralist theory...he may have 
referred to it as "interest-group democracy"...thesis was that a 
combination of competing elites (which he called the "active 
minority") and certain formal procedures (interest groups, regular 
elections, separation of powers, etc.) produced government 
accountability, voila, democracy!...nary a word about concentration 
of wealth, management of consent, & state repression and terror...

during the rebellion, Truman called for a public hearing and an 
investigation into the issues - CIA & military recruiters on 
campus, military research on campus, proposed gym in Morningside 
Park - that preciptated the action...striking students read back 
to him a section from above book in which he suggested that such 
proceedings are a poor way to obtain information, function 
principally as a propaganda devices, and serve as symbolic safety 
valves...Michael Hoover

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