I'll bet you could sell a study of golf to the golf industry.  Something pompous
like, The Marginal Efficiency of Capital Investment in the Golf Industry: Based on
the Marginal Propensity to Consume as Correlated to Environmental Factors.

Your email pal

Tom L. B.A.

Michael Perelman wrote:

> Jim Devine wrote:
> > As I drove to work this morning, listing to US Nationalist Public Radio, I
> > was struck by the explanations given by the reporter, Silvia Pojoli (sp?),
> > for the US/NATO bombing of the Serbian television station. Not only did it
> > seem that she had abandoned journalistic standards in order to simply
> > paraphrase NATO press releases, but it sure sounded like exactly the same
> > rationalizations could be used to justify the bombing of NPR's
> > headquarters. After all, NPR was being used to whip up popular support for
> > a war and hatred, etc.
> >
> I heard the same report as Jim.  What struck me was weird similarity between
> Serbian television, which reporter took to be out of line, and United States
> reports.  Serbian television outrageously compared Bill Clinton to Hitler.  How
> could that be?  Slobo. is Hitler.  Surely, they must be lying.
> > The problem is that golf
> > courses take up tremendous amounts of real estate, closing off the ersatz
> > natural beauty thus created to the general public.
> Golf courses employee an enormous amount of toxic materials, especially
> pesticides and herbicides.
> > --
> Michael Perelman
> Economics Department
> California State University
> Chico, CA 95929
> 530-898-5321
> fax 530-898-5901

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