> The other sinister act was bombing Milosevic's house, which Serbs regarded
> as an open assassination attack.
> Louis Proyect

for what it's worth, the US gov't has been prohibited from carrying out
assassinations and assassination attempts since Gerald Ford signed
Executive Order 11095 (I think) in 1976...Ford's EO was a response to
the Church committee hearings disclosing the CIA's role in the murder
of Patrice Lumumba and the attempts on Castro, among others...the vile 
*New Republic* maintains that the fact that a Republican prez did this 
indicates how "far out" the immediate post-Vietnam era was...

Carter issued EO 11895 (if memory serves) superseding Ford's and Reagan 
signed EO 12333 superseding Carter's...Neither Bush nor Clinton altered 
Reagan's EO...Clinton, however, has looked to circumvent EO 12333 by 
claiming that deadly force against a foreign leader is not the same as 
assassination...he is working with some congressional members to overturn 
the policy...his pal, rabid right-wing attack dog Bob Barr from Georgia, 
who led the way for House Republican impeachers, has submitted a bill to 
do just that...Michael Hoover

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