Louis Proyect wrote:
> 1.  The "final crisis" of capitalism.  I feel it is clearer
> by the days that we have finally entered the "final
> crisis".  As usual with history, things are never the way
> one anticipates them, but the current tendency to lower
> average global wages (substituting Indonesian or Mexican
> workers for West European or North American ones can have
> no other effect) while productivity boosts cannot but take
> us to a stalemate which will become harder and harder with
> time. 

You don't want to hedge a little? Maybe the penultimate crisis? The
fifth to last crisis...

At this late date does anyone really believe that punter favorite
Capitalist Boogie has run one race too many and will drop dead just
short of the finish line, leaving long shot Rocking Revolution to take
the prize?

Actually we'd better hope it is not the final crisis. Remember, there
is another upstart in the race. Up and coming Orange Barbarian ,who
has already taken more than his share of minor prizes, is forty
lengths ahead of the great red hope....

People have cried "final crisis" a time or hundred before...

Gar W. Lipow
815 Dundee RD NW
Olympia, WA 98502

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