I presume you are aware of Michel Chossudovsky's various articles
on these subjects, and his book, "The Globalisation of Poverty, 
Impacts of IMF and World Bank Reforms", Third World Network, Penang 
and Zed Books, London, 1997. The book has chapters on IMF/World 
Bank impacts on Rwanda and Yugoslavia amongst other countries, 
including Somalia. He is Professor of Economics at the University of 
Ottawa, and is worth contacting for further information, particularly 
on Rwanda.

Bill Rosenberg

> Date:          Mon, 26 Apr 1999 18:20:39 -0400
> From:          Robert Naiman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject:       [PEN-L:5973] IMF and Yugoslavia, Rwanda
> To:            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Reply-to:      [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> We are interested in putting together a press release of sources on
> the role of the IMF in contributing to the break-up of Yugoslavia
> and the exacerbation of ethnic tensions there. (and perhaps also
> this pattern for the IMF more generally, e.g. Rwanda.) Who would you
> suggest for this topic? (It's a plus if they are economists or have
> published on this topic or have some other credential we can push.)
> Here's what I have on Rwanda
> (from Public Citizen, "Survey of IMF impacts on Africa")
> A study led by the Danish government(13), identified IMF-World Bank
> programs as a key factor of "decisive importance" contributing to
> the deterioration in ethnic relations which preceded the genocide of
> more than half a million people starting in April 1994, and faulted
> the IMF for "overlook[ing] these potentially explosive political
> consequences when designing and imposing their economic conditions."
> 13. Steering Committee of the Joint Evaluation of Emergency
> Assistance to Rwanda, The International Response to Conflict and
> Genocide: Lessons from the Rwanda Experience, March 1996.
> [http://www.ing.dk/danida/rwanda.html]
> Robert Naiman
> Preamble Center 
> -------------------------------
> Robert Naiman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Preamble Center
> 1737 21st NW
> Washington, DC 20009
> phone: 202-265-3263
> fax:   202-265-3647
> http://www.preamble.org/
> -------------------------------

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