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Date:          Mon, 26 Apr 1999 10:03:15 -0700
To:            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
From:          Sid Shniad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:       Kosovo Crisis Divides Slovakia on Eve of Presidential Elections

Global Intelligence Update
April 23, 1999

Kosovo Crisis Divides Slovakia on Eve of Presidential Elections


The Slovak government's cooperation with NATO during its campaign 
against Yugoslavia is polarizing the Slovak population in advance 
of the country's May 15 presidential elections.  While NATO may 
affect the outcome of Slovak elections, the outcome of Slovak 
elections could equally impact NATO.  Should former Prime 
Minister Vladimir Meciar -- a populist and nationalist -- be 
elected Slovak President, it could seriously threaten Slovakia's 
relationship with NATO and therefore limit NATO's current and 
future strategic viability.


On April 21, the Slovak government granted NATO permission to 
transport military equipment over Slovak territory for operations 
in Yugoslavia.  Slovak assistance is crucial to support any 
substantial operations from NATO member Hungary.  Hungary is the 
only NATO front-line state in the Kosovo crisis, yet it is 
totally isolated by land from other NATO members.  The Slovak 
government's cooperation with NATO is, however, increasing 
polarization of its population, already divided over NATO's air 
strikes in Kosovo and the future Slovakia's membership in the 

A majority of Slovaks sympathize with the Yugoslav people.  This 
is natural given their sympathy toward and concern over a Slovak 
minority living in Yugoslav region of Vojvodina.  According to 
recent polls, 62.5 percent of the Slovak population approves 
neither of NATO air strikes in Yugoslavia nor of the decision to 
open Slovak airspace to NATO.  Moreover, 50 percent of the 
population opposes plans for Slovakia to join NATO.  In general, 
the Kosovo issue has sharply divided the Slovak population 
between supporters and opponents of Mikulas Dzurinda's pro-
Western government in the run up to the May 15 presidential 

Prior to granting NATO a general permission to use Slovak 
territory for transportation of military equipment, the Slovak 
government had opened, on March 24, the country's airspace to 
NATO combat aircraft. The government coalition has been strongly 
criticized for this decision by opposition parties, mainly by Jan 
Slota's Slovak National Party (SNS) and former Prime Minister 
Vladimir Meciar's Movement for Democratic Slovakia (HZDS).  
Following the decision to permit NATO to fly through Slovakia's 
airspace, the opposition in parliament attempted to pass a no-
confidence vote against Slovak Minister of Foreign Affairs Eduard 
Kukan.  The ruling coalition in parliament was able defeated the 

Divided over the Kosovo issue, Slovakia is now entering 
presidential campaign period.  Slovakia has been without a 
president since the expiration of Michal Kovac's term in office 
in early 1997, due deep political divisions which manifested 
themselves in several unsuccessful attempts by parliament to 
elect the president.  For the first time, a direct presidential 
election will be held in Slovakia on May 15.  There are ten 
registered presidential candidates, with five of them having a 
real chance to be elected.  The April 13 poll conducted by "Ustav 
pre vyskum verejnej mienky" showed strong support for ruling 
coalition's candidate Rudolf Schuster (32.4%).  Three non-
partisan candidates -- Magda Vasaryova (19.1%), former president 
Michal Kovac (8.3%), and Juraj Svec (5.7%) -- agreed on April 20 
that two of them would give up their candidacy ahead of the 
election to prevent former Prime Minister Vladimir Meciar (4.9%) 
from being elected a president.  Note that at the time when the 
poll was conducted, Meciar had not as yet announced his 

Well known for his ability to mobilize the population in his 
favor during periods of political controversies, Meciar has a 
potential to become one of the two candidates that will compete 
for the presidential post in the run off, second election 
scheduled for May 22.  Moreover, it is likely that the leader of 
the nationalists, Jan Slota (5.3%), will give up his candidacy 
ahead of the election in favor of Meciar's candidacy.  In the 
first round, Meciar will, therefore, compete against one strong 
non-partisan candidate and the former communist, now reformist 
candidate, mayor of the city of Kosice, Rudolf Schuster.  The 
likelihood of populist and nationalist Meciar being elected 
Slovak President and re-entering Slovak political arena cannot be 

Vladimir Meciar's 1994-1998 government did not live up to Western 
principles of democracy, resulting in the country being 
sidetracked from joining the European Union and NATO.  Although 
Meciar's HZDS always officially proclaimed its pro-Western 
orientation, its political behavior pulled the country in the 
opposite direction.  Most recently, HZDS openly criticized Slovak 
government's decision to open its airspace to NATO.  If elected 
president in May, Meciar would undoubtedly alter Slovakia's 
policy of supporting NATO in the Yugoslav crisis, likely denying 
NATO use of Slovak airspace and railways.  In the short term, 
this would limit NATO's ground options against Yugoslavia.  In 
the long term, it could perpetuate a geographic weakness in the 
alliance, with Slovakia as a potentially hostile salient between 
Poland and the geographically isolated Hungary.  NATO should not 
take Bratislava's current gesture for granted, as without some 
reciprocal good will gesture it could be Slovakia's last friendly 
overture to the organization.

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