> Naturally everyone is sorry about the innocent victims, and horrified,
> disgusted, repelled by what those two poor miserable psycho bastards
> Harris and Klebold did.  But they're not alive any more for us to hate;
> fear and rage ate their minds, they went mad and now they're dead.  So
> I, at least, feel sorry for them also.
> Somewhere in the news I read that one of his acquaintances said Klebold
> suffered frequent sudden surges of severe depression, but two words I
> have not seen even once in three days of news and (mostly absurd)
> commentary are: "paranoid schizophrenia."  For what it's worth, my
> opinion is you're all off base about broad underlying motives (such as
> racism, sexism, militarism, etc.) of Klebold and Harris.  As far as I
> can see, those two typified or exemplified nothing outside the classic
> textbook symptom list of paranoia.
I see. Time for a little schizo bashing. Why not? They can't defend
themselves, in fact they usually can't even understand what you're
saying. So-called schizophrenia and so-called manic depression are
rarely enough to drive one to such extreme anti-social behavior. Someone
in the middle of acute mania (awful as these terms sound) is more likely
to become hypersocial e.g.  spend all one's money on lavish parties
etc.The notion of two schizophrenics acting in concert is absurd. Have
you ever met a real schizophrenic? I will send you all my David Cooper
and R.D. Laing books if you could understand anything that person said.
  That men aged 17-18 could plan and carry out such a complicated
operation (even if it is of such barbarity)  suggests minds that are
highly engaged with reality and also very intelligent.  

> Maybe the saying is true that "schizophrenia isn't a diagnosis but a
> prognosis."  Still what might have saved them (their victims too) would
> have been regular doses of phenothiazine tranquilizers,

Maybe, but the side effects of such drugs often includes psychosis.
Sounds to me like they could have used an anti-depressant and an
anti-convulsant to help with the social phobia. A complete change in
social surroundings would have been even better.
   I remember reading a story, I think in the pre-Tina Brown New Yorker
, about a fire that broke out in a large mental hospital. The paranoid
schizos took over. They had everyone organized very quickly and got
everyone out of the burning hospital unharmed. A fire in a mental
hospital was nothing compared to what paranoid schizophrenics go through
every day.

Golf should be banned. A total waste of resources.

Sam Pawlett

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