
>>  BTW, isn't Charlton Heston the head of the NRA now?<
>yes he is. I hear he can still walk on water, too.

Here's Moses on Littleton, from the NYT today:


Also Wednesday, officials of the N.R.A. said they had decided to scale back
their national membership meeting, scheduled for May 1 in Denver. 

In a letter, the association's president, the actor Charlton Heston, said
the group was canceling a gun show along with all other "festive ceremonies
normally associated with our annual gathering." The group was nevertheless
going to hold its annual members meeting at the city's convention center. 

The event was modified "to show our profound sympathy and respect for the
families and communities in the Denver area in their time of great loss,"
said a letter signed by Heston. 

"Our spirits must endure this terrible suffering together, and so must the
freedoms that bring us together," said the letter. "We must stand in somber
but unshakeable unity, even in this time of anguish." 

But Heston and some politicians said that the violence might have been
averted if someone else had been armed at the school. 

"Had there been someone who was armed, in this particular situation, in my
opinion, it may have stabilized," said Gov. Jesse Ventura of Minnesota, who
supports loosening restrictions on concealed handguns. "I believe it
supports conceal-and-carry because of the fact that what happens when a
group of unarmed individuals are confronted with people with weapons like
this, you have no defense." 

And Heston said the incident showed that there should be armed guards in
the nation's schools. 

"If there had been even one armed guard in the school, he could have saved
a lot of lives and perhaps ended the whole thing instantly," he said today
in in Los Angeles. 

There was, in fact, an armed guard at the school. 

A sheriff's deputy assigned to the school, Neil Gardner of the Jefferson
County Sheriff's Department, exchanged gunfire with one of the gunmen
shortly after the rampage began at 11:30 A.M. Two other patrol officers
fired some shots about a half-hour later, said Steve Davis, a sheriff's


Tom Kruse
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