I haven't seen much attention paid to something that has been quite obvious
to me, a politically motivated immigrant to Canada from the United States.
The bombing of Yugoslavia has fully realized a process of consolidation that
was initiated with the Canada U.S. free trade agreement and furthered by
NAFTA. The quisling-Chretien regime in Ottawa has surrendered the last
vestige of Canadian sovereignty to the U.S.A.

In 1987-88 after having lived for twenty years in Canada, I spent eight
months at Cornell. I lived in a residence with domestic and foreign graduate
students. One of the amazing things was watching the T.V. news together at
six. The foreigners, myself included, would gawk and howl at the laughably
blatant propaganda. The domestics would stare seriously at the tube, not
comprehending the reason for all the hilarity around them.

In the years since then, I have watched as the Canadian Broadcasting
Corporation and the public rhetoric has marched slowly and steadily toward
the level of the U.S. media and politics. Since the bombing of Yugoslavia
started, I can no longer detect a principled difference.

Thirty one years after leaving the U.S. to resist a war, here I am back in
the U.S.A. and I didn't even have to leave Vancouver.


Tom Walker

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