I don't know if the anti-warriors were grossly unfair to Nathan or not;
it's hard for me to judge, being too close to the issue to have
perspective. But I know that when I criticize anyone's opinions, I try to
criticize them idea by idea, attacking the words, not the person. On the
other hand, I sometimes criticize general opinions -- such as jingoism --
giving anyone who has vaguely jingoistic opinions to decide for whether
they fit in that rubric. I never said Nathan was a jingoist, for example.
In argument, I prefer the style where you attack from only three sides, so
that the "opponent" can retreat (a strategy recommended somewhere in the
Old Testament but eschewed by NATO/US). If someone says "I'm no jingo," I
might say "well, your ideas share some characteristics with those of
jingoes" rather than "yes you are." 

But Nathan didn't respond to my point-by-point criticism of his opinions.
Rather he responded to my broad criticism of jingoism -- and later of DSA
-- by taking it personally. I can only speculate why he did so.

Bombing DESTROYS human rights. US/NATO out of Serbia!

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