> http://www.infobahnos.com/~jtoth/web188.html
>           FREE FORUM
>           Subject: The Secret Financial Network Behind "Wizard" George
>           Soros - Part 2 of 2
>           From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (stefan lemieszewski)
>           Date of posting: 12 Nov 1996 09:36:05 GMT
>                                                *
>           The following text has been sent to the following newsgroups on
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>                                               II.
>           But, what has never been identified in a single major Western press
>           investigation, was that the Rothschild-group was at the heart of the
>           vast illegal web of BCCI. The key figure was Dr. Alfred Hartmann,
>           the managing director of the BCCI Swiss subsidiary, Banque de
>           Commerce et de Placement SA; at the same time, he ran the Zurich
>           Rothschild Bank AG, and sat in London as a member of the board of
>           N.M. Rothschild and Sons, Hartmann was also a business partner
>           of Helmut Raiser, friend of de Picciotto, and linked to Nordex.
>           Hartmann was also chairman of the Swiss affiliate of the Italian BNL
>           bank, which was implicated in the Bush administration illegal
>           transfers to Iraq prior to the 1990 Iraqi invasion of Kuwait. The
>           Atlanta branch of BNL, with the knowledge of George Bush when he
>           was vice-president, conduited funds to Helmut Raiser's Zug,
>           Switzerland company, Consen, for development of the CondorII
>           missile program by Iraq, Egypt, and Argentina, during the Iran-Iraq
>           War. Hartmann was vice-chairman of another secretive private
>           Geneva bank, the Bank of NY-Inter-Maritime Bank, a bank whose
>           chairman, Bruce Rappaport, was one of the illegal financial conduits
>           for Col. Oliver North's Contra drugs-for-weapons network during
>           the late 1980. North also used the BCCI as one of his preferred
>           banks to hide his illegal funds.
>           Rich's, Reichmann's, and Soros's Israeli links
>           According to reports of former U.S. State Department intelligence
>           officers familiar with the Soros-case, Soros's Quantum Fund
>           amassed a war chest of well over $10 billion, with the help of a
>           powerful group of "silent" investors who let Soros deploy the capital
>           to demolish European monetary stability in September 1992.
>           Among Soros's silent investors, these sources say, are the fugitive
>           metals and oil trader Marc Rich, based in Zug, Switzerland; and
>           Shaul Eisenberg, a decades-long member of Israeli Mossad
>           intelligence, who functions as a major arms merchant throughout
>           Asia and the Near East. Eisenberg was recently banned from doing
>           business in Uzbekistan, where he had been accused by the
>           government of massive fraud and corruption. A third Soros partner
>           is Israel's "Dirty Rafi" Eytan, who served in London previously as
>           Mossad liaison to British intelligence.
>           Rich was one of the most active western traders in oil, aluminum,
>           and other commodities in the Soviet Union and Russia between
>           1989 and 1993. This, not coincidentally, is just the period when
>           Grigori Luchansky's Nordex Group became a multibillion-dollar
>           company selling Russian oil, aluminum, and other commodities.
>           Canadian real estate entrepreneur Paul Reichmann, formerly of
>           Olympia and York notoriety, born in Hungary, Jew like Soros, is a
>           business partner in Soros's Quantum Realty, a $525-million real
>           estate investment fund.
>           The Reichmann tie links Soros as well with Henry Kissinger and
>           former Tory Foreign Minister Lord Carrington (who is also a
>           member of Kissinger Associates, Inc. of New York). Reichmann sits
>           with both Kissinger and Carrington on the board of the influential
>           British-Canadian publishing group, Hollinger, Inc. Hollinger owns a
>           large number of newspapers in Canada and the United States, the
>           London Daily Telegraph, and the largest English-language daily in
>           Israel, the Jerusalem Post. Hollinger has been attacking President
>           Clinton and the Middle East peace process ever since Clinton's
>           election in November 1992.
>           Soros and geopolitics
>           Soros is little more than one of several significant vehicles for
>           economic and financial warfare by the Club of the Isles faction.
>           Because his affiliations to these interests have not previously been
>           spotlighted, he serves extremely useful functions for the oligarchy,
>           as in 1992 and 1993, when he launched his attack on the European
>           Rate Mechanism.
>           Although Soros's speculation played a role in finally taking the
>           British pound out of the ERM currency group entirely, it would be a
>           mistake to view that action as "anti-British." Soros went for the
> first
>           time to London, where he studied under Karl Popper and Friedrich
>           von Hayek at the London School of Economics.
>           Soros's business ties to Sir James Goldsmith and Lord Rothschild
>           place him in the inner circles of the Thatcher wing of the British
>           establishment. By helping the "anti-Europe" Thatcherites pull
>           Britain out of the ERM in September 1992 (and making more than
>           $1 billion in the process at British taxpayer expense), Soros helped
>           the long-term goal of the Thatcherites in weakening continental
>           Europe's economic stability. Since 1904 , it has been British
>           geopolitical strategy to prevent by all means any successful
>           economic linkage between western continental European
>           economies, especially that of Germany, with Russia and the
>           countries of eastern Europe.
>           Soros's personal outlook is consonant with that of the Thatcher
>           wing of the Tory Party, those who three years ago launched the
>           "Germany, the Fourth Reich" hate campaign against unified
>           Germany, comparing Chancellor Helmut Kohl with Adolf Hitler.
>           Soros is personally extremely anti-German. In his 191
>           autobiography, Underwriting Democracy, Soros warned that a
>           reunited Germany would "upset the balance of Europe .... It is easy
>           to see how the interwar scenario could be replayed. A united
>           Germany becomes the strongest economic power and develops
>           Eastern Europe as its Lebensraum ... a potent witches' brew."
>           Soros's recent public attacks on the German economy and the
>           deutsche mark are fundamentally motivated by this geopolitical
>           view.
>           Soros is quite close to the circles of George Bush in the U.S.
>           intelligence community and finance. His principal bank custodian,
>           and reputed major lender in the 1992 assault on Europe's ERM, is
>           Citicorp NA, the nation's largest bank. Citicorp is more than a
>           lending institution; it is a core part of the American liberal
>           establishment. In 1989, as it became clear that German unification
>           was a real possibility, a senior official at Citicorp, a former
> adviser to
>           Michael Dukakis's Presidential campaign, told a European business
>           associate that "German unity will be a disaster for our interests; we
>           must take measures to ensure a sharp D-Mark collapse on the
>           order of 30%, so that she will not have the capability to reconstruct
>           East Germany into the economic engine of a new Europe."
>           While Soros was calling on world investors to pull down the
>           deutsche mark in 1993, he had been making a strong play in the
>           French media, since late 1992, to portray himself as a "friend of
>           French interests." Soros is reported to be close to senior figures of
>           the French establishment, the Treasury, and in particular, Bank of
>           France head Jean-Claude Trichet. In effect, Soros is echoing the old
>           Entente Cordiale alliance against Germany, which helped precipitate
>           World War 1.
>           Soros admits that he "survived in Nazi Hungary" during the war, as
>           a Jew, by adopting what he calls a double personality. "I have lived
>           with a double personality practically all my life," Soros recently
>           stated. "It started at age fourteen in Hungary, when I assumed a
>           false identity in order to escape persecution as a Jew." Soros
>           admitted in a radio interview that his father gave him Nazi
>           credentials in Hungary during the war, and he looted wealthy
>           Jewish estates. Further research showed that this operation was
>           probably run by the SS.
>           Soros did not leave the country until two years after the war.
>           Though he and his friends in the media are quick to attack any
>           policy opponent of Soros, especially in eastern Europe, as being
>           "anti-Semitic," Soros's Jewish identity apparently has only
>           utilitarian value for him, rather than providing moral foundations. In
>           short, the young Soros was a cynical, ambitious person, the ideal
>           recruit for the British postwar intelligence network.
>           Soros savages eastern Europe
>           Soros has established no fewer than 19 "charitable" foundations
>           across eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. He has
>           sponsored "peace" concerts in former Yugoslavia with such
>           performers as Joan Baez. He is helping send young east Europeans
>           to Oxford University. A model citizen, is the image he broadcasts.
>           The reality is something else. Soros has been personally
>           responsible for introducing shock therapy into the emerging
>           economies of eastern Europe since 1989. He has deliberately
>           fostered on fragile new governments in the east the most draconian
>           economic madness, policies which have allowed Soros and his
>           financial predator friends, such as Marc Rich and Shaul Eisenberg,
>           to loot the resources of large parts of eastern Europe at dirt-cheap
>           prices. Here are illustrative case histories of Soros's eastern
>           "charity".
>           Poland: In late 1989, Soros organized a secret meeting between the
>           "reform" communist government of Prime Minister Mieczyslaw
>           Rakowski and the leaders of the then-illegal Solidarnosc trade
>           union organization. According to well-informed Polish sources, at
>           that 1989 meeting, Soros unveiled his "plan" for Poland: The
>           communists must let Solidarnosc take over the government, so as
>           to gain the confidence of the population. Then, said Soros, the state
>           must act to bankrupt its own industrial and agricultural
>           enterprises, using astronomical interest rates, withholding state
>           credits, and burdening firms with unpayable debt. Once thie were
>           done, Soros promised that he would encourage his wealthy
>           international business friends to come into Poland, as prospective
>           buyers of the privatized state enterprises. A recent example of this
>           privatization plan is the case of the large steel facility Huta
>           Warsawa. According to steel experts, this modern complex would
>           cost $3-4 billion for a western company to build new. Several
>           months ago, the Polish government agreed to assume the debts of
>           Huta Warsawa, and to sell the debt-free enterprise to a Milan
>           company, Lucchini, for $30 million!.
>           Soros recruited his friend, Harvard University economist Jeffery
>           Sachs, who had previously advised the Bolivian government in
>           economic policy, leading to the takeover of that nation's economy by
>           the cocaine trade. To further his plan in Poland, Soros set up one of
>           his numerous foundations, the Stefan Batory Foundation, the
>           official sponsor of Sach's work in Poland in 1989-90.
>           Soros boasts, "I established close personal contact with Walesa's
>           chief adviser, Bronislaw Geremek. I was also received by [President
>           Gen Wojciech] Jaruzelski, the head of State, to obtain his blessing
>           for my foundation." He worked closely with the eminence gris of
>           Polish shock therapy, Witold Trzeciakowski, a shadow adviser to
>           Finance Minister Leszek Balcerowicz. Soros also cultivated relations
>           with Balcerowicz, the man who would first impose Sach's shock
>           therapy on Poland. Soros says when Walesa was elected President,
>           that "largely because of western pressure, Walesa retained
>           Balcerowicz as minister." Balcerowicz imposed a freeze on wages
>           while industry was to be bankrupted by a cutoff of state credits.
>           Industrial output fell by more than 30% over two years.
>           Soros admits he knew in advance that his shock therapy would
>           cause huge unemployment, closing of factories, and social unrest.
>           For this reason, he insisted that Solidarnosc be brought into the
>           government, to help deal with the unrest. Through the Batory
>           Foundation, Soros coopted key media opinion makers such as Adam
>           Michnik, and through cooperation with the U.S. Embassy in
>           Warsaw, imposed a media censorship favorable to Soros's shock
>           therapy, and hostile to all critics.
>           Russia and the Community of Independent States (CIS): Soros
>           headed a delegation to Russia, where he had worked together with
>           Raisa Gorbachova since the late 1980s, to establish the Cultural
>           Initiative Foundation. As with his other "charitable foundations,"
>           this was a tax-free vehicle for Soros and his influential Western
>           friends to enter the top policymaking levels of the country, and for
>           tiny sums of scarce hard currency, but up important political and
>           intellectual figures. After a false start under Mikhail Gorbachov in
>           1988-91, Soros shifted to the new Yeltsin circle. It was Soros who
>           introduced Jeffery Sachs and shock therapy into Russia, in late
>           1991. Soros describes his effort: "I started mobilizing a group of
>           economists to take to the Soviet Union (July 1990). Professor
>           Jeffery Sachs, with whom I had worked in Poland, was ready and
>           eager to participate. He suggested a number of other participants:
>           Romano Prodi from Italy; David Finch, a retired official from the IMF
>           [International Monetary Fund]. I wanted to include Stanley Fischer
>           and Jacob Frenkel, heads of research of the World Bank and IMF,
>           respectively; Larry Summers from Harvard and Michael Bruno of
>           the Central Bank of Israel."
>           Since Jan. 2, 1992, shock therapy has introduced chaos and
>           hyperinflation into Russia. Irreplaceable groups from advanced
>           scientific research institutes have fled in pursuit of jobs in the
>           West. Yegor Gaidar and the Yeltsin government imposed draconian
>           cuts in state spending to industry and agriculture, even though the
>           entire economy was state-owned. A goal of a zero deficit budget
>           within three months was announced. Credit to industry was ended,
>           and enterprises piled up astronomical debts, as inflation of the
>           ruble went out of control.
>           The friends of Soros lost no time in capitalizing on this situation.
>           Marc Rich began buying Russian aluminum at absurdly cheap
>           prices, with his hard currency. Rich then dumped the aluminum
>           onto western industrial markets last year, causing a 30% collapse
>           in the price of the metal, as western industry had no way to
>           compete. There was such an outflow of aluminum last year from
>           Russia, that there were shortages of aluminum for Russian fish
>           canneries. At the same time, Rich reportedly moved in to secure
>           export control over the supply of most West Siberian crude oil to
>           western markets. Rich's companies have been under investigation
>           for fraud in Russia, according to a report in the Wall Street Journal
>           of May 13, 1993.
>           Another Soros silent partner who has moved in to exploit the chaos
>           in the former Soviet Union, is Shaul Eisenberg. Eisenberg,
>           reportedly with a letter of introduction from then-European Bank
>           chief Jacques Attali, managed to secure an exclusive concession for
>           textiles and other trade in Uzbekistan. When Uzbek officials
>           confirmed defrauding of the government by Eisenberg, his
>           concessions were summarily abrogated. The incident has reportedly
>           caused a major loss for Israeli Mossad strategic interests
>           throughout the Central Asian republics.
>           Soros has extensive influence in Hungary. When nationalist
>           opposition parliamentarian Istvan Csurka tried to protest what was
>           being done to ruin the Hungarian economy, under the policies of
>           Soros and friends, Csurka was labeled an "anti-Semite," and in
>           June 1993, he was forced out of the governing Democratic Forum,
>           as a result of pressure from Soros-linked circles in Hungary and
>           abroad, including Soros's close friend, U.S. Rep. Tom Lantos.
>           Lighting the Balkan Fuse
>           In early 1990, in what was then still Yugoslavia, Soros's
>           intervention with shock therapy, in cooperation with the IMF,
>           helped light the economic fuse that led to the outbreak of war in
>           June 1991. Soros boasted at that time, "Yugoslavia is a particularly
>           interesting case. Even as national rivalries have brought the
>           country to the verge of a breakup, a radical monetary stabilization
>           program, which was introduced on the same date as in
>           Poland---January 1, 1990-----has begun to change the political
>           landscape. The program is very much along the Polish lines, and it
>           had greater initial success. By the middle of the year, people were
>           beginning to think Yugoslav again."
>           Soros is friends with former Deputy Secretary of State Lawrence
>           Eagleburger, the former U.S. ambassador to Belgrade and the
>           patron of Serbian Communist leader Slobodan Milosevic.
>           Eagleburger is a past president of Kissinger Associates, on whose
>           board sits Lord Carrington, whose Balkan mediations supported
>           Serbian aggression into Croatia and Bosnia.
>           Today, Soros has established his Foundation centers in Bosnia,
>           Croatia, Slovenia, and a Soros Yugoslavia Foundation in Belgrade,
>           Serbia. In Croatia, he has tried to use his foundation monies to woo
>           influential journalists or to slander opponents of his shock therapy,
>           by labeling them variously "anti-Semitic" or "neo-Nazi." The head of
>           Soros's Open Society Fund---Croatia, Prof. Zarko Puhovski, is a
>           man who has reportedly made a recent dramatic conversion from
>           orthodox Marxism to Soros's radical free market. Only seven years
>           ago, according to one of his former students, as professor of
>           philosophy at the University of Zagreb, Puhovski attacked students
>           trying to articulate a critique of communism, by insisting, "It is
>           unprincipled to criticize Marxism from a liberal standpoint." His
>           work for the Soros Foundation in Zagreb has promoted an
>           anti-nationalist "global culture," hiring a network of anti-Croatian
>           journalists to propagandize, in effect, for the Serbian cause.
>           These examples can be elaborated for each of the other 19 locations
>           across eastern Europe where George Soros operates. The political
>           agenda of Soros and this group of financial "globalists" will create
>           the conditions for a new outbreak of war, even world war, if it
>           continues to be tolerated.
>           ---end---

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