Henry C.K. Liu wrote:

> Other open secrets:
> FDR knew about Japanese "sneak" attack on Pearl Harbor.
> America did not help Jews fleeing from Nazi Germany
> Truman used the two nuclear bombs on Japan mostly to warn the Soviets.
> Cardinal Spellman was very inflential in Kennedy's early decision to back a Catholic 
>Vietnam regime in its persecution of local Buddhists whose monks kept burning 
>themselves publicly in protest.
> Kennedy's White House sex with a known Soviet agent.
> Watergate was connected to CIA opposition to Nixon's bypassing it in his opening to 
> Rubin turned down a US$100 billlion Asian recuse package offered by Japan in 
>October, 1997 because of his insistence of American control on all rescue moves.
> I am sure others on the list can offer more.
> Henry C.K. Liu

--Herbert Hoover using food aid earmarked for the USSR and Hungary( under Bela Kun) to 
feed the White armies.
--multi (14?) national invasion of the USSR in 1918.
--Polish invasion of USSR in 1920.
-- Ho Chi Minh asking Truman for help in fighting the French.
-- U.S. corporate support for Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy.
-- War reparations paid to U.S. corporations operating in Nazi Germany that were 
destroyed by Allied bombings.
-- Pope Pius XII support of Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy.
-- U.K. support for fascists in the Greek war of national liberation in late 40's.

and so on...

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