On Friday, March 5, 1999 at 15:33:14 (-0800) Jim Devine writes:
>Colin: >Why assume that patriarchal or race-privileging structures and
>institutions cannot be dynamic or unstable?  If we've learned anything
>about cultures in recent decades it is that they are seldom static.
>Patriarchs or racists may present specific practices and beliefs as
>hallowed by tradition, but the tradition usually turns out to be a recent
>it's true that these change. But my presumption is that racist and sexist
>practices change due to impacts from  capitalism which (1) disrupt the
>power of the dominators and/or (2) strengthen the struggles of the dominated. 

In the case of women's suffrage, if I remember correctly, a big push
was given by WWI.  German brewers here employed lots of women, and
(therefore) also funded anti-suffrage campaigns.  WWI knocked out the
brewers, opening up space for the women.


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