A new front is opened in the war against structural adjustment. Would that
our "development organizations" were so clearsighted and forthright as the
AIDS activists!

>Date: Thu, 11 Mar 1999 10:10:00 -0500
>From: Michelle Sforza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sender: Michelle Sforza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Organization: Public Citizen

>Subject: AIDS Activists circulate sign-on letter on African Trade bills
>>This is a sign-on letter that AIDS activists are circulating regarding
>>the two African trade bills.
>>The bill's text can be found on the web via THOMAS. For more information
>>or to
>>sign-on contact Eric Sawyer of ACT-UP NY one of the leaders of this
>>Whether or not you sign-on to this letter or take a position on the
>>legislation involved I thought this letter would be interest to many as
>>is the first large scale action ever taken by American AIDS groups on
>>trade/development legislation.
>>(HR 772)
>>March 10, 1999
>>Dear Representative:
>>As members of community based organizations leading the fight against
>>AIDS in
>>this country, and as concerned citizens, we the listed groups urge you
>>support the "HOPE for Africa Act" (H.R. 772). This crucial legislation
>>help sub-Saharan African nations make life-saving pharmaceuticals
>>available to
>>HIV/AIDS patients, and represents a practical, cost-effective way to
>>the global AIDS crisis.
>>In tandem with your support for H.R. 772, we urge you to oppose the
>>"African Growth and Opportunity Act" (H.R. 434). If passed, H.R. 434
>>perpetuate a cruel economic policy that ultimately discourages public
>>investment in social services like healthcare, and thus is antithetical
>>addressing the plight of sub-Saharan Africans with HIV/AIDS.
>>As you are surely aware, HIV and AIDS are rampaging throughout
>>Africa. While sub-Saharan nations comprise only 10% of the world's
>>they are bearing the tragic burden of 70% of the world's new AIDS cases.
>>World Health Organization reports that of the 14 million people who have
>>of AIDS to date, 12 million have come from this region. In the
>>countries--Botswana, Namibia, South Africa, Zimbabwe, and Swaziland,
>>rates in the 15-49 age group are running at 25%. In tourist areas such
>>Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe, the rates are even higher -- 40%.
>>Unfortunately, the effects of this rampaging epidemic are widespread:
>>Saharan African economies are already being slowed by the mortality of
>>men and
>>women of working age, with inevitable repercussions to a global market
>>economy. It has been widely reported that the possible gains associated
>>billions of development dollars invested in Africa over the past 15
>>years by
>>industrialized nations have been seriously eroded by the relentless
>>march of
>>this plague. In the arena of the public health, AIDS is giving rise to
>>explosion of such highly contagious diseases as
>>meningitis and tuberculosis.
>>In the absence of either a cure or a vaccine in the foreseeable future,
>>ignore the facts of AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa at our peril. This is an
>>of profound importance to all Americans--not only because we have the
>>resources and the power to make a difference, but also because we live
>>in a
>>world where interdependence and mutual responsibility are facts of life.
>>We--you--can act: first by opposing H.R. 434. It not only ignores the
>>crisis; it requires the President to certify that indebted SSA countries
>>complying with their inhumane International Monetary Fund (IMF)
>>adjustment programs. Compliance forces SSA governments to direct
>>spending to debt repayment instead of to life-saving health care and
>>educational initiatives. Indeed, H.R. 434 extends the "slash public
>>model to all SSA nations wishing to be certified by the President.
>>You can also act by supporting the HOPE for Africa Act (H.R. 772). The
>>for Africa Act provides a combination of aid, debt relief and policies
>>specifically designed to increase the availability of life-extending
>>medications to sub-Saharan Africans with HIV/AIDS.  H.R. 772 would
>>the use of United States funds to undermine any sub-Saharan African
>>intellectual property or competition policy that seeks to promote access
>>pharmaceuticals and other medical technologies, so long as the
>>legislation or
>>policy complies with the WTO's agreement on Trade Related Aspects of
>>Intellectual Property (TRIPS). HOPE would create a cooperative
>>between the U.S. and SSA, by making it U.S. policy to assist sub-Saharan
>>African countries in efforts to make life-saving medications and medical
>>technologies widely available through compulsory licensing and parallel
>>As organizations leading the domestic fight against AIDS, we strongly
>>urge you
>>to oppose H.R. 434, and any other Africa bill that would undermine the
>>development of a sound health policy in SSA. Please support the HOPE for
>>Africa Act: not to do so would contribute to an AIDS epidemic in
>>Africa that will claim more lives by 2005 than the Holocaust of World
>>War II.
>>>> Sincerely,
>>>>ACT UP Golden Gate
>>>ACT UP Philadelphia
>>>ACT UP New York
>>>AIDS Action Baltimore
>>>AIDS Action Council
>>>AIDS Project Los Angeles
>>>AIDS Treatment Data Network
>>>Direct Access Alternative Information Resources (DAAIR)
>>>Gay Men's Health Crisis
>>>HIV Department, Lowell Community Health Center
>>>HIV in Prison Committee of California Prison Focus
>>>HIV Human Rights Project
>>>Housing Works
>>>International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission
>>>Multicultural AIDS Coalition, Inc
>>>Mobilization Against AIDS
>>>National Association of People with AIDS
>>>National Minority AIDS Council
>>>National Native American AIDS Prevention Center
>>>People with AIDS Health Group
>>>People with AIDS Coalition/New York
>>>Search for a Cure/Boston
>>>Sisters Together and Reaching (STAR)/Baltimore
>>>Youth Outreach Adolescent Community Awareness Program
>>>Phil Wilson, Los Angeles Gay and Lesbian Archives Project
>Michelle Sforza
>Public Citizen's Global Trade Watch
>215 Pennsylvania Avenue, S.E.
>3rd Floor
>Washington, D.C. 20003
>(202) 546-4996, ext. 302
>(202) 547-7392 (fax)

Robert Naiman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Preamble Center for Public Policy
1737 21st NW
Washington, DC 20009
phone: 202-265-3263
fax:   202-265-3647

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