On Thursday, March 18, 1999 at 09:04:32 (-0500) Louis Proyect writes:
>At 07:39 PM 3/17/99 -0600, you wrote:
>>I heard that in some article in the NYT Mike Davis admitted to making
>>things up.  Anybody hear about this?
>Los Angeles Times 
>January 10, 1999, Sunday, Home Edition 

Yes, I realize that Davis, like Menchu, has been attacked by people
who wish to minimize criminal behavior and exploit relatively less
important issues.  However, I really do want to know if Davis himself
actually admitted to outright fabrication of some things.  I was told
this appeared in cold print, in the New York Times, right out of
Davis's own mouth.  I would simply like direct confirmation or
refutation of this, if possible.

If Davis *did* admit that he fabricated things, I'm extremely
worried.  Leftists cannot afford to engage in anything but scrupulous
honesty.  Knowingly telling falsehoods simply discredits the work and
causes continual second-guessing.

If Davis did not admit to fabricating things, I'm relieved, but I
still would really like a direct answer to my question, if possible.


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