A last comment on this exchange.

1.  The NATO bombing is clearly contrary to international law, of 
the Constitution of NATO and of the US and Canadian 
constitutions.  It also heralds the end of the UN as an international 
political agency.  Do Americans care so little of the UN that they 
wish to see it destroyed?  Are we in NA so contemptuous of the 
rule of law that we are willing to destroy the UN in favour of vigilanty 
justice -- lets string em up  (regardless of guilt or innocence) to 
satisfy our blood lust?

2.  Can you give me any evidence of civil rights abuses of the 
Albanian population of Albania BEFORE the KLA (characterized as 
a terrorist organization by the US) began its attacks on Serbs in 
Kosovo?  In fact, can you give me a single instance?

3. Can you give me any independent confirmation of the alleged 
atrocities of Serbs in Kosovo?

4.  When I pointed out the strong support for ethnic minorities by 
the Serbs against the Germans, Croats, etc. your response was -- 
that was then but this is now.  I was using history to show that 
Serbs have not had a history of discrimination.  But your cavalier 
response is that the Serb history of toleration should be ignored, 
without one shred of evidence that, in fact, there is any change in 
this attitude.

5.  Telephone reports this evening on CBC from Belgrade report the 
US/NATO bombing has targeted schools and hospitals.  Wow, 
what great humanitarian support from a country that pionnered 
ethnic cleansing with the enclosure of the aboriginal population in 
permanent reservations.

Yea, I am bitter and sick.  It is my friends that the recipients of US 
humanitary hospitality in the forms of bombs and death.

Thanks Max.

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