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Here is an opinion piece from Bulgaria on the NATO bombing.
  Cheers, Ken Hanly




<title>NATO's Bombing Campaign Seen from Eastern Europe</title>

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<p><strong><font face="Arial">NATO&#146;S BOMBING CAMPAIGN SEEN FROM EASTERN EUROPE<br>


Something is just not right, something is beginning to smell in the last two weeks 

coverage of the Kosovo crisis, it leaves you very short of believing that the so called

free press in the West is forming part of the NATO apparatus, heavily engaged in

galvanizing public opinion.<br>


However, some justice must be given to the US press. A lot of Americans were obviously

very upset in the beginning of this conflict, voicing their criticism as to; what the 

are we doing over there; who got us into this mess; what are the objectives. The 

administration&#146;s credibility is long gone, but now we are facing a situation 
where US

credibility may be on the line, and criticism is overshadowed by the overall priority,

victory at all cost, under all circumstance.<br>


Both US and the European NATO member countries are aware of what is at stake. A defeat 

loss of face in this campaign will pave the end of US&#146; world influence and

NATO&#146;s dream of world order and its vision of itself as world police force. The

survival of the alliance itself may even be at risk.<br>


For years now we have seen the development of arrogance in Washington and Brussels as 

the rest of the world. Why is this happening? Is it that in spite of all technical

developments and social progress the human factor has not changed? Does the history 

has to repeat itself on the eve of the new millenium? Has the open window of enormous

opportunity given to the world by the colapse of the wall in Berlin only 10 years ago

already been closed? Did the cold war serve a purpose of keeping powers in balance?<br>


Religion has again entered the battlefield, giving its consent to the war, calling it a

good war, thus casting old shadows on today&#146;s theater; God is with us.<br>


For the first time, the leaders of nations like US, UK, Germany, Spain, etc, are all

representing the baby-boomers, a generation that basically has made a mockery of the

proverb &#147;there is no such thing as a free lunch&#148;. Many of the baby-boomers 

been riding on free lunches all their life.<br>


New weaponry has deluded people, and especially leaders holding them, into believing 

war is not so bad. It is sort of a clean video- game type of thing, weapons of pinpoint

accuracy, a risk free or a minimum risk scenario with no or only a few casualties, thus

bringing the threshold of war to a very dangerous low level. The &#147;at gun 

diplomacy, so embraced and often implemented by the Clinton administration and its

European brother in arms, the Blair administration, can only be explained by this 
fact. It

is so convenient, just to push a button and all it takes is some budget 
considerations. <br>


You do as we say or we bomb you a little. This was fine and it used to bring about

instantaneous results, instant was coherent with our time.<br>


At the outset NATO threatened several times to bomb. In the end they were cornered and 

to bomb for their own credibility. They had cried wolf once too often.<br>


Thus NATO committed the biggest mistake in its 50 years of existence, in complete

disregard of it&#146;s own charter, converting the organization from defense to 

in complete disrespect of international law, bombing a sovereign State; without paying 

attention to UN Security Counsel consensus, knowing they would have been vetoed, 

UN merely as a spectator.<br>


But this theater is not Iraq, or Haiti, or Panama. This is Serbia, a State in the 

a sovereign State in Europe. This is not about a despotic leader, even though it is

paramount to NATO to advocate that opinion for their own purposes. Whatever Milosevic 

his people, all 10 million of them are fully behind him. This is about heart, about 

and deep-rooted feelings, topped with centuries of history.<br>


This war can not be won with bombs unless NATO is willing to level all of Serbia, to

initiate civilian bombing and burn out cities. This is an enormous price to pay, an

enormous responsibility on NATO&#146;s shoulders. Destroying one of Europe&#146;s most

beautiful cities, Belgrade. The people attending rock-concerts and the people standing 

bridges with bulls-eyes attached to their chests and foreheads complete a total

surrealistic picture. Is this really happening in 1999? <br>


NATO tries to give the impression that they are saving the Serb population from its

dictator Milosevic. Again and again you hear that they have nothing against the Serbs,

only against Milosevic. NATO must be surrounded by impenetrable armor or they must be

completely deaf, being so totally incapable of receiving inputs from Serbia. All the 10

million Serbs are cemented behind Milosevic in outrage of the bombing campaign. NATO is

the enemy, not the savior. <br>


What was NATO&#146;s objective starting this air campaign? If it was to avoid a refugee

crisis and to get Milosevic to yield to their demands and to stabilize the region, they

have certainly failed on all three counts.<br>


Whatever the outcome of this crisis, NATO has seriously damaged its credibility, and 

probably never again be able to play good guy in any other world theater. US and NATO 

not prepared for any kind of ugly war, just look at all the attention the 3 US 

are getting.<br>


Could this air campaign, could passing the threshold of war have been avoided? Most

certainly it could, with good old fashion diplomacy. Calling on the Russians to take 

responsibility for their fellow Serbs, bringing in mainly Russian or CIS troops, under 

supervision and consensus, a blue helmet operation funded by the West considering

Russia&#146;s current economical situation.<br>


But this did not cohere with NATO policy. True, they did let Russia in with a 

in Rambouillet, but NATO never lost track of its own overall importance, a fact clearly

reflected in the Rambouillet document (See appendix 1).<br>


The Clinton administration and NATO has during this crisis treated Russia with a sort 
of a

benign contempt. True, some eyes were opened upon the latest rattling in Moscow, that 

missiles were redirected. They should not forget that Russia is a sleeping bear with

dangerous claws and that Russia may represent the only backdoor for NATO.<br>


Senator John Mc. Cain, a former POW in the Vietnam War and a presidential candidate, 

the prize by saying: &#147;Russia is a basket case and they are not capable&#148;. <br>


In addition he openly elaborates that US is calling the cards regarding the IMF loan. 

has now visited Europe, the &#147;war-zone&#148; (Aviano airforce base), with Secretary

Cohen and has seen the light. He is strongly advocating an intensification and 

of the bombing campaign, whatever that means, to bomb Serbia back to the Middle Ages. 

his view NATO must do whatever it takes to win, if necessary deploy ground troops.<br>


He may be a nice guy but God help us if he becomes the next President of the US.<br>


To say that the bombing has nothing to do with the refugee situation is insane. Only 

most gullible may be deceived by this. To quote an American general: We gave him

(Milosevic) both the incentive and the opportunity. <br>


Today NATO is being heralded for helping out with the refugee crisis, a situation it at

least indirectly is responsible for.<br>


The refugee situation is terrible and shocking for all people viewing it, both in the 

and in Eastern Europe. In brings back memories in Europe, but to call it a new 

is outrageous, the refugees are not ending up in ovens. Somebody has to put some cold

water into something. Passion is good for people and help-organizations, but it must 

be allowed to take front seat in politics.<br>


Evidently the Serb paramilitary groups in Kosovo must have applied some inhumane and

barbaric methods in their last operations in Kosovo, causing such a tremendous exodus 

people, even though final opinion as to atrocities must rest until more information is

available. But they are fighting a guerilla warfare against the KLA. This is not a 

of their actions, only a mere attempt to clarify with head and not with feelings. From 

strict military point of view it may even be said that their operation has been 



A guerilla warfare is normally a no win situation for any country involved, for the 

reason that a Government can not lower its moral standards to the level called for to 

as the very sense of guerilla means the fighters mingle with the normal population. In

this sense paramilitary groups present an ugly solution. We see the same in several 

theaters around the world, in South America, and until recently very close to US 

in Guatemala. <br>


It is easy to be biased, to perceive that atrocities have taken place in Kosovo given 

track record of the Serb paramilitary groups. But we must not forget that a conflict 

two sides. KLA has certainly done their share of bad things. Again, it is guerilla

warfare, it is ugly, and it is not something you show in people&#146;s living 


There has been some change of vocabulary during the last two weeks. The Clinton

administration and NATO has done everything possible to demonstrate their own

infallibility. The exodus would have happened regardless of the bombing. They tried 
for a

long time to play confident that the refugee situation was as expected. Not until it

reached a level beyond anyone&#146;s wildest imagination did they admit they were 
taken by



The KLA has conveniently been transformed from terrorist organization to freedom 


The word genocide is frequently used. Genocide means killings, a lot of killings like 

Rwanda, you don&#146;t deport people, you kill them. Genocide is a &#147;last 

It provokes strong feelings aimed to galvanize support for NATO, justify the bombs so 

say. Reading between the lines you are left with the opinion that neither the Clinton

administration nor NATO know what they are doing, as they need to be comforted by the

public opinion. <br>


You don&#146;t have to be a chess-player to figure out that NATO was convinced that

Milosevic would fold in maximum two days. Given this scenario both NATO and the Clinton

administration are caught with their pants down, in spite of their impressive show of

confidence. We can only imagine that behind the scene they are now pointing fingers at

each other trying to figure out who is responsible for the mess.<br>


The million-dollar question now is, how far is NATO willing to go to save face. They 

already radioactively infected Kosovo with DU- ammunition (See appendix 2). Will they 

KLA, this will in case mean BIG destabilization of the region, triggering immediately a

lot of regional reactions. <br>


It is tempting to train and arm KLA and sending them in to do the dirty work, thus

avoiding NATO casualties. You already hear people voicing this argument in the US, 

them Steve Forbes, another presidential candidate. <br>


Will NATO escalate this conflict risking starting a fire no one can extinguish. In 

of what Senator Mc. Cain believes Russia is not a basket case, their possible 

will not depend on IMF funds. If it should happen it would be because they had to, if 

sends in ground troops the feelings in Russia would rise to a national outcry leaving 

Government with no other option. The IMF funds would be the least of their 


Some signals don&#146;t seem to be perceived in the West, it is like we are on 



Complexity is not easily presentable in the West. The world is simple, divided between

good and bad. In this sense it is convenient to present Milosevic as evil, as the Devil

himself. It gives peace of mind to have a good guy, bad guy scenario. <br>


But anyone who seriously aims to find a long lasting solution for the Balkan region 

address it in such a simplistic manner. <br>


The feelings in Eastern Europe to the NATO bombing can best be expressed by an 

An Italian went to Germany to work during the 60s. He got so tired of being called 

of being treated as a secondary citizen that he decided to color his hair and take on a

German posture. One evening in a bar a game of soccer was on the TV, between Italy and

Germany. Then Germany scored he got up with the rest of the Germans saluting the goal, 

in his heart he felt different.<br>


The people in Eastern Europe tend to salute the NATO operation for obvious motives 

of this scope, but in their heart they feel with the Serbs.<br>


It is due time to stop this insanity, to stop using propaganda or passionate words or 

refugee situation to escalate this beyond the point of no return, to put head before

heart. <br>


The bombing must stop now. Due to its strong bonds to Belgrade, Russia must be brought 

to take responsibility together with the UN. A face saving end to NATO&#146;s 

must be found, at least it was initiated with good intentions. When it is time to call 

the day it is time, it takes greatness to admit. <br>


A safe return for the Kosovo-Albanians must be secured immediately, a long term

involvement by a UN led peace keeping force will be necessary to establish normal life 

Kosovo. How and when we must leave up to the UN and it&#146;s elected diplomats. Steps

should also be taken to find solution for the 400 000 Serb refugees from Bosnia now 

in different camps all over Serbia.<br>


UN&#146;s credibility and powers must be fully reinstalled. The world will face immense

problems without a strong UN. <br>


US are the world&#146;s sole superpower and a great nation, admired by people all over 

world, but I think it is time it acknowledges its limitation to run the world. This is 

a Macho event. People advocating an escalation of the conflict to get victory at any 

should not be allowed to prevail. US credibility is not at risk. Sofia April 10, 







Some views on the above subject.<br>



The Kosovar Albanians accepted the RA and signed in second round of negotiations.<br>


The Americans told the Serb delegation upon arrival in Rambouillet for the second 

&#147;You are not here to negotiate, you are here to sign&#148;. The RA was a fait

accompli, not to be further negotiated or altered.<br>


Why didn&#146;t the Serbs sign? Is it something in the RA itself that makes it totally

unacceptable to them?<br>


The RA in its entirety is available on Internet at:<br>


In reviewing the RA the following points surface as being candidates to controversy. 


The RA is not limited to Kosovo, it extends to the FRY itself. Some may say it can be

interpreted as a de facto Occupation Agreement.<br>


NATO has made an agreement giving them complete authority in Kosovo. Chapter 2 / 
article 9

reads: -The Chief of the Implementation Mission (CIM) is the final authority regarding

interpretation of this Chapter and his decision is binding on all Parties and persons. 


In Framework Article 2 / point 9: -The Implementation Mission (IM) shall have its own

broadcast frequencies for radio and television programming in Kosovo.<br>


The autonomous Kosovo may influence the politics in FRY. The federal Government in

Belgrade will not be able to influence on any political decision in Kosovo.<br>


Chapter 1 / article 2 / point 9: -The Assembly shall be responsible for enacting laws 

Kosovo, including in political, security, economic, social, educational, scientific and

cultural areas as set out below and elsewhere in this Agreement. The Constitution and 

laws of the Kosovo Assembly shall not be subject to change or modification by 

of the FRY.<br>


Chapter 4 covers economical issues. Article 1 / point 1: -The economy in Kosovo shall

function in accordance with free market principles. Article 1 / point 4: -The FRY 
shall be

responsible for the collection of all customs duties at international borders in 

There shall be no impediments to the free movement of persons, goods, services, and

capital to and from Kosovo.<br>


In Chapter 7 / article 1b, NATO is to establish and deploy the implementation force,

hereinafter called KFOR.<br>


Chapter 7 / article 1c: -It is agreed that other States may assist in implementing this

Chapter. The Parties agree that the modalities of those States&#146; participation 
will be

the subject of agreement between such participation States and NATO. Neither Kosovo nor

FRY will have any saying on this matter.<br>


Chapter 7 / article 1a. Some may say this point shows NATO&#146;s arrogance; and that 

is reduced to a spectator, a sideliner; and that this is not a &#147;blue helmet&#148;

operation. The UN Security Council is &#147;invited&#148; to pass a resolution 

and adopting the arrangements set forth in this Chapter.<br>


And again, the CIM is the final authority in theater regarding interpretation of the

references in this Chapter.<br>


Some may be prompted to say that NATO knew beforehand that the Serbs could not sign 
the RA

due to the context in Appendix B and in Chapter 8 to follow.<br>


Appendix B / Point 8. -NATO personnel shall enjoy, together with their vehicles, 

aircraft and equipment, free and unrestricted passage and unimpeded access throughout 

FRY, included associated airspace and territorial waters.<br>


Point 11. -NATO is granted the use of airports, roads, rails, and ports without 
payment of

fees, duties, dues, tolls, or charges occasioned by mere use.<br>


Point 15. -The Parties shall, upon simple request, grant all telecommunications 

including broadcast services, needed for the operation, as determined by NATO.<br>


Chapter 8 / article 1 / point 3. The future settlement of Kosovo&#146;s status shall be

placed into the hands of an international conference in three years, taking the peoples

will into account.<br>


This spells independence for both sides. This is why the Kosovo- Albanians signed and 

Serbs did not. Milosevic could not sign on this point, no Serb politician could. It is

doubtful that any Serb citizen would willingly sign on this condition. <br>


Sofia, April 2 1999<br>







DU stands for Depleted Uranium<br>



Depleted Uranium is one of the heaviest elements occurring naturally on earth, about 

heavier than lead. DU-ammunition has a high penetration power and is very effective

against armor. Upon impact highly toxic and radioactive particles are dispersed into 



DU-ammunition production is an example of a highly successful collaboration between the

military and the nuclear waste industry. After the isotope 235 is extracted from the

natural ore the waste, mostly isotope 238 is given to the military. In this way the

nuclear industry avoids paying big money storing it. <br>


Approximately 14 000 DU grenades were used in the Gulf war. About half used in prewar

exercises, 3 000 burned in Doha, Saudi Arabia, and about 4 000 was actually used in the

battlefield. The Gulf war was the first opportunity the US and the British forces had 

test their DU weapons in combat action. <br>


In this way the Gulf war became the first &#147;hidden&#148; or &#147;depleted&#148;

nuclear war, a fact withheld at the time from the soldiers and the press.<br>


The strategy of employing the DU ammunition in the Gulf war, was part of the overall

strategy to minimize American casualties.<br>


The armament system of the A-10 Warthog includes a high rate of fire seven-barrel 30 mm

Gatling gun, using DU ammunition to take out ground armor. The British Euro-fighter 

DU-ammunition and as well does the Apache helicopter. <br>


The A-10 Warthog and the British Euro-fighter is already in action, the Apache is

imminent. NATO is now transforming Kosovo into a radioactive battlefield.<br>


Unlike the barren desert or half desert terrain in Iraq, Kosovo is fertile soil with

rivers and streams. Extensive use of DU ammunition by NATO will cause dispersed

radioactive particles into the soil and ground water, making Kosovo an

&#147;unfriendly&#148; territory for decades or generations.<br>


The &#147;Gulf war syndrome&#148; and recent health statistics from Iraq speak 


After the Gulf war it has come into light that several NATO member countries are 

DU grenades and ammunition, everything from tank grenades to ammunition for automatic 

weapons. Belgium is producing and UK and France are producing their own types.

&#147;Standard&#148; DU ammunition from US fits American Abrams- as well as German 

tanks which will be deployed in an eventual NATO ground force engagement.<br>


A lot of information regarding DU is available on Internet. Please try the following




Sofia April 03, 1999<br>


Best regards<br>

Evlogi Kochev <br>

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