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Date sent:              Fri, 16 Apr 1999 14:21:46 -0700
To:                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
From:                   Sid Shniad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

April 13, 1999
The Right Honourable Jean Chrétien
Prime Minister of Canada
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario K1A OA6
Dear Prime Minister,
We write to you as leaders of Christian churches, appealing to you to 
press for an immediate, unilateral moratorium on the NATO bombing 
campaign. We are conscious of the heavy responsibilities you are carrying 
on this difficult question, and of the serious debate that took place in the 
House of Commons. Nevertheless, we appeal to you to replace the current 
strategy with renewed diplomatic efforts to reach a negotiated solution.
Our church colleagues in the Vatican, in churches throughout Europe and 
Russia, and particularly in the Balkans have appealed to NATO, to the 
Serbs and to the Albanian Kosovars to stop all military action and begin 
dialogue immediately. They also appealed to all parties to restrict 
themselves to non-violent means to achieve a just settlement to the 
conflict, as well as to protect vulnerable people. We join them in that 
Our concern has been deepened by our church partnerships in the region 
and by our knowledge of people caught in the situation. It has been 
heightened by our experience of Holy Week and Easter, when we 
celebrated again the mystery of One who suffered and died so that all 
people everywhere should experience God's gift of reconciliation, justice, 
and peace. To spurn that offered gift in favour of violence is morally and 
spiritually wrong.
As Christians, we believe that all human persons constitute one world-
wide family. All people, within and beyond our borders are our 
neighbours. Therefore, we have a responsibility to do our utmost to 
protect fellow human beings when they are in great danger of human 
rights violations or of being caught in the path of warring parties. As a 
consequence of that responsibility, we have in principle supported 
Canada's interventionist role in defence of human rights and in 
peacebuilding. In the present case, we can not support the means.
In principle, we also support Canada's determination to see that human 
rights violators are vigorously prosecuted under international law. The 
moral issue for people and for states committed to peace and human rights 
is finding the means that will help build, and not undermine, the conditions 
that undergird peace and security for people and effective respect for their 
human rights.
We recognize that in the present situation in former Yugoslavia every 
course of action, including non-violent and diplomatic means, will produce 
tragedies. The challenge is to do the difficult work of finding the means 
that are best suited in this particular situation to the restoration of peace 
and justice. NATO bombing has only escalated the tragedy and created a 
starker humanitarian catastrophe.
We urge you to give leadership in seeking a wider range of diplomatic 
alternatives. For example: we believe it is urgent to shift the political 
focus of diplomacy out of NATO and into the Organization for Security 
and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), whose membership includes all of 
NATO, as well as Russia and all the other states affected by this crisis. 
Canada needs to take advantage of its hard-won position on the Security 
Council, calling on it to perform the central overseeing role in the 
diplomatic and humanitarian response to the crisis. Canada's formal 
commitment to human security makes diplomatic activism along these 
lines plausible. Our role in NATO bombing undermines it.
Our church members, like many other Canadians, are stepping forward to 
offer their support to people displaced by the bombing and by Serbian 
military action They are also standing by to receive refugees who choose 
to come here. They tell us how much they appreciate the government's 
efforts to protect displaced people in the affected region, as well as to 
offer refugees a place in Canada if they choose to come. But we also want 
to convey to you the horror people have expressed to us as they have 
witnessed the effects of these military actions on men, women, and 
You who bear the heavy burden of governing are faced with the difficult 
recognition that, while a great good was sought, in fact a great evil has 
been done. In this moment we urge you as the Prime Minister of our 
country to stop, reconsider, and carefully change direction.


The Most Rev. Michael G. Peers 
Primate, Anglican Church of Canada
Msgr. Peter Schonenbach, PH
General Secretary, Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops
Archbishop Hovnan Derderian
Primate, Canadian Diocese of the Armenian Orthodox Church
Dr. Helmut Harder
General Secretary, Conference of Mennonites in Canada
Bishop Telmor Sartison
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada
The Right Rev. Seraphim
Bishop of Ottawa and Canada, Orthodox Church in America
Gale Wills, Clerk
Canadian Yearly Meeting
Religious Society of Friends (Quakers)
The Rev. Dr. William Klempa
Moderator of the 124th General Assembly, The Presbyterian Church in 
The Very Rev. Bill Phipps
Moderator, United Church of Canada

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