The following article, "Kosova's long struggle for independence", By
Doug Lorimer, is scheduled to appear in the April 14 issue of Green Left
Weekly. It is tied to the Australian Democratic Socialist Party.

A very interesting historical review of the claims of the Albanians

---Nathan Newman

Kosova's long struggle for independence

By Doug Lorimer

The current conflict between the western powers and the Serbian state
has its roots in the decision in 1913 by these powers to hand over
nearly half of Albania (the present-day region of Kosova) to Serbian
control. Once again the Albanian people have become the victims of
collusion between Serbian national chauvinists and the imperialist
"Great Powers".

Serbian national chauvinists argue that the region they call Kosovo "was
and always will be" part of the territory of the Serbian nation, on the
basis that medieval Serb tribes ruled over this region until their
defeat by the Ottoman Turks on June 30, 1389, at the Battle of
Kosovo-Polje (a Serb settlement 18 kilometres west of Pristina, the
modern capital of Kosova).

If the modern-day Serbian nation, which had its origins in the 19th
century, has some "historic" claim to Kosova because Serb-speaking
feudal rulers controlled the region in the 14th century, then the
Albanian-speaking people of the region have an even greater "historic"

The Albanian nation, which also had its origins in the 19th century, is
the product of the merging of peoples who spoke dialects derived from
the language of the Illyrian tribes who inhabited the western Balkans
from at least the second millennium BC.

The ancient Illyrian kingdom based at Shkodėr in the north of modern-day
Albania, which was formed in the third century BC, was conquered by and
incorporated into the Roman Empire in 168 BC. When the empire was
divided in 395 AD, Illyria (including modern-day Kosova, or Dardania as
it was designated by the Romans) fell within the eastern empire.

Slavic tribes (Croats, Slovenes and Serbs) arrived in Illyria in the
fifth and sixth centuries; only in the south (in Kosova and Albania) did
the ethnic Illyrians survive.

Independent feudal states were established in the region in the 12th and
13th centuries. Among the first of these was the feudal principality of
Arbėria, established at Kruja in 1190. In 1217 an independent Serb
kingdom was established at Prizren, in modern Kosova, and during the
reign of Stefan Dusan (1346-55), it annexed Arbėria.

Following the defeat of the Serb tribes in 1389 by the Turks, the
Arbėrians re-established their independent principality and, under the
leadership of George Kastrioti, successfully resisted Turkish conquest
until 1479.

Albanian national movement

The modern history of Albania-Kosova begins in 1878, when the Albanian
League was founded at Prizren to struggle for Albanian national
independence, a struggle suppressed by the Turkish army in 1881.

Uprisings between 1910 and 1912 culminated in a proclamation of Albanian
independence and the formation of a provisional government led by Ismail
Qemali at Vlorė in 1912.

However, this achievement was compromised by a conference of the "Great
Powers" (Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Austria-Hungary and Russia)
held in London in 1913, which handed Kosova over to Serbia. An
independent Serbian state with its capital at Belgrade had been
established in 1878, after Russia's defeat of Turkey in a war over

More than half a million ethnic Albanians emigrated from Kosova to
Turkey and elsewhere to escape Serbian rule, and by 1940 at least 18,000
Serb families had been settled by the Belgrade regime on their vacated

During World War II, Kosova was integrated into a "Greater Albania"
under Italian control when the Serb-dominated kingdom of Yugoslavia
(formed as the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes in 1921 and renamed
Yugoslavia in 1929) was occupied by Nazi Germany in 1941.

The ethnic Albanians of Kosova (the Kosovars) supported the
Communist-led partisans of Albania and Yugoslavia, both of whom operated
in the area, against the Nazi occupation forces and the reactionary
Serbian monarchist-nationalists (the Chetniks).

In October 1944 Kosova was liberated by the Communist-led partisans of
the Albanian National Liberation Army (which had also liberated Albania
from Nazi occupation).

Tito's betrayal

During the war, the Albanian Communists, led by Enver Hoxha, and the
Yugoslav Communists, led by Josip Broz Tito, had agreed that after the
war the Kosovars should be allowed to decide whether they would be ruled
by Serbia or Albania. However, the Yugoslav Communists reincorporated
Kosova into Serbia, brutally suppressing a Kosovar uprising in the
winter of 1944-45.

According to Hoxha, when he visited Belgrade in June 1946, Tito (a
Croat) told him: "Kosova and the other regions inhabited by Albanians
belong to Albania and we shall return them to you, but not now because
the Great-Serb reaction would not actually accept such a thing".

Tito's accommodation to Serbian nationalism resulted in the Kosova
Albanians being denied their right to national self-determination.
Kosova was made a part of the republic of Serbia (under the Serb name
Kosovo), the local population having no say in the matter. The 1946
constitution of the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia did not even
recognise Kosova as a distinct entity.

As a concession to Kosovar national sentiments, the Tito regime made
Kosova an autonomous province of the Socialist Republic of Serbia when a
new Yugoslav constitution was adopted in 1963.

This concession, while earning Tito the enmity of Serbian nationalists,
did not lead to any improvement in the position of the Kosovars. Between
1954 and 1957, another 195,000 ethnic Albanians were coerced by the
Serbian authorities into emigrating to Turkey. Kosova was treated as a
Serbian colony, its mines providing raw materials for Serbian industry.
The average income of the Kosovars remained only a quarter of the
Yugoslav average.

Following serious rioting by Kosovars in 1968 (and with the Soviet
invasion of Czechoslovakia pushing Albania and Yugoslavia toward greater
cooperation), Tito increased federal funding to Kosova. In 1974, a new
Yugoslav constitution gave the Kosovo provincial assembly the right to
elect its own representatives to the Chamber of Republics and Provinces
of the Yugoslav federal legislature.

However, these constitutional changes did not lead to substantial
improvements in material conditions. By 1981, when major demonstrations
by Kosovars demanded full republic status, unemployment in the province
stood at 27.5%, twice the Yugoslav average.

Protests against Serbian rule

The March-April 1981 demonstrations, which were led by Kosovar students
from the new university in Pristina, were put down by the Serb-dominated
Yugoslav army at a cost of more than 300 lives. The 7000 young Kosovars
subsequently arrested were given jail terms of six years or more.

In 1986, a working group of the Serbian Academy of Sciences prepared a
memorandum calling upon the Serbian authorities to assert Serbian
control over the entire Yugoslav federation. A year later Slobodan
Milosevic took over as Communist Party chief in Serbia by portraying
himself as a champion of an allegedly persecuted Serb minority in

Milosevic's aim was to restore the flagging popularity of the Communist
Party bureaucracy he headed by inciting Serbian national chauvinism
against the Kosovars' demands for greater control of their own affairs.

In November 1988, protests again erupted in Pristina when Serbian
authorities sacked local Kosova officials, including provincial
president Azem Vllasi, who was later arrested.

Belgrade imposed a military curfew following a Kosova miners' strike in
February 1989. Thousands of Yugoslav army troops were sent in to
intimidate the ethnic Albanian population. Twenty-four Kosovar
protesters were shot dead by the Yugoslav security forces.

Persecution of Kosovars

On July 5, 1990, the Serbian parliament abolished Kosova's political
autonomy and dissolved its provincial assembly and government. The only
Albanian-language daily newspaper, Rilindja, was banned, as were all TV
and radio broadcasts in Albanian.

In the following months, some 115,000 ethnic Albanians were fired from
their jobs and Serbs installed in their places. At Pristina University,
800 Kosovar lecturers were sacked, ending teaching in the Albanian
language and forcing all but 500 of the 23,000 Kosovar students to
terminate their studies.

Kosovar secondary school teachers were forced to work without pay;
otherwise the schools would have had to close. All Kosovars working in
state hospitals were fired. Unemployment among ethnic Albanians in
Kosova soared to nearly 80%.

Milosevic's vision of a "Greater Serbia" and his regime's actions in
Kosova horrified the residents of Slovenia and Croatia and led the
non-Communist governments elected in these republics in early 1990 to
declare their independence in June 1991.

In September 1991, Serbian police and paramilitaries unsuccessfully
tried to block a referendum on independence for Kosova, organised by the
deposed Kosova provincial government. Ninety per cent of the eligible
voters turned out, and 98% voted in favour of independence.

In elections held, despite Serbian authorities' opposition, on May 24,
1992, the Kosovar writer Ibrahim Rugova was elected president of the
independent Republic of Kosova. A Kosova parliament elected at the same
time, and also declared illegal by Serbia, attempted to set up a
parallel administration.

Despite the clear evidence of the Kosovars' repeatedly expressed desire
for independence from Serbia, the imperialist powers have insisted that
the Kosovars accept the decision these powers made in 1913 to place
Kosova under Serbian rule. These powers, today joined and led by the US
imperialists, are responsible for the current holocaust being inflicted
on the ethnic Albanians of Kosova.

* Alex Chis Books                  *
* Alex Chis & Claudette Begin      *
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