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Date sent:              Wed, 07 Apr 1999 15:59:44 -0700
To:                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
From:                   Sid Shniad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The New York Times                                      April 2, 1999



        By Elizabeth Olson

GENEVA -- A report to the U.N. Human Rights Commission on 
Thursday accused both Yugoslav and Albanian forces of 
committing numerous killings and other atrocities in Kosovo before 
NATO began its airstrikes.
        Jiri Dienstbier, a former foreign minister of Czechoslovakia, 
gave the U.N. group, which is holding its annual meeting here, a 
report on Kosovo that strongly criticized Yugoslav forces, noting 
that he was alarmed at "consistent disregard by Serbian state 
security forces of both domestic and international standards 
pertaining to police conduct and treatment of detainees." Kosovo is 
a province of Serbia, which with neighboring Montenegro forms 
        Dienstbier said, however, that human rights violations by both 
the Serbs and the ethnic Albanians were common. "It happened in 
Kosovo many times for both sides," Dienstbier said, citing 
abductions, murders and arbitrary arrests. He has been investigating 
human rights in Yugoslavia, Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina since 
March 1998.
        Last fall, he said, "concentrations of corpses and evidence of 
massacres, including massacres of civilians," were discovered. The 
badly mutilated bodies of 14 Kosovo Albanians, including six 
women, six children and two elderly men, were found in a forest in 
the Drenica region, he said.
        The Kosovo Liberation Army, on the other hand, which is 
fighting for independence for the ethnic Albanian majority in the 
province, conducted paramilitary tribunals and was believed to be 
responsible for the abduction and execution of civilians and police 
officers, he said. In two locations, Klecka and Glodjane, there were 
more than 40 bodies that Yugoslav authorities said were Serb 
civilians who had been kidnapped and killed by the KLA soldiers.
        And all over Serbia, he said, "persons are arbitrarily detained by 
the police for questioning or held in pretrial detention longer than 
the period mandated by law." Such detainees are routinely denied 
access to lawyers, Dienstbier said, and also to personal doctors, a 
practice that he said is significant because state-employed 
physicians do not report injuries sustained during police questioning 
and also do not provide sufficient medical treatment.
        In response, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia gave the 
commission what it called "information on terrorist activities and 
provocations by the Albanian separatists in Kosovo."
        Branko Brankovic, a representative of the Yugoslav 
government, said that between Oct. 13, 1998, and Feb. 21, 1999, 
there had been 827 attacks and provocations in Kosovo, including 
290 against civilians and 537 against officials. These attacks, he 
said, killed 99 people, including 80 civilians.
        Since the Rambouillet peace talks, he said, people have been 
killed and wounded daily except for the period from Feb. 11 to Feb. 
17, 1999.
        In light of the fighting and brutality in Kosovo in the past 
weeks, Mary Robinson, the U.N. high commissioner for refugees, 
said Thursday that a special investigation would begin next week to 
assess the reports of ethnic cleansing.
        Ms. Robinson said she would send Dienstbier to investigate 
"reports of a vicious and systematic campaign of ethnic cleansing 
conducted by Serbian military and paramilitary forces in Kosovo."
        "The gravity of these reports underlines the need for impartial 
verification of the allegations," Ms. Robinson said.
        Human rights monitors are also being reassigned and sent 
immediately to interview refugees to evaluate the human rights 
situation in the battered province, she added.

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