from Scott Shuger's April 7 column in SLATE:

>A WP [Washington POST] front-pager traces the U.S. position on the ability
of air power alone to resolve the Kosovo crisis to Madeleine Albright's
belief that Slobodan Milosevic would probably back down after a few visible
targets were hit. She held to this position, says the Post, despite
hesitance expressed by senior Pentagonists and the CIA director. 

>The NYT reports that last night's bombing runs included a series of hits
in the capital of Montenegro, the smaller Yugoslav republic. Given that the
democratically elected president of Montenegro has criticized Milosevic for
pursuing a catastrophic policy, the reader could have used a little
explanation from the Times about the relationship between the two republics
and regarding whether Serb forces are indeed operating within Montenegro. 

>The WSJ's new poll shows that now 64 percent of Americans approve of the
air campaign, with 27 percent opposed. 

>...The LAT [L.A. TIMES] says that Jesse Jackson met in New York with
Yugoslavia's ambassador to the UN, seeking visas for himself and some other
religious leaders in order to go to Yugoslavia to negotiate the release of
those three Army POWs. "So long as these soldiers are there, they are war
bait. They are our new Pvt. Ryans," Jackson is quoted as saying. The paper
doesn't mention that, actually, Jackson has a bit of a track record in this
area: In the early 80s, he successfully negotiated with Syria for the
release of a downed U.S. Navy flight officer. <

(all of the above is copyright 1999, by Microsoft.)


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