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Date sent:              Tue, 23 Mar 1999 15:52:41 -0800
To:                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
From:                   Sid Shniad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:                NO U.S./NATO BOMBING OF YUGOSLAVIA!

From: "iacenter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, 23 Mar 1999 17:25:41 -0500
Subject: Demo, NYC, SF Against NATO Bombing

International Action Center
39 West 14th Street, #206
New York, NY 10011
212-633-6646  fax 212-633-2889

March 23, 1999

Attention: Assignment Editor
Press Contact: Brian Becker Deirdre Sinnott
For: Immediate Release

Demonstration on Wednesday, March 24 in NYC Demands:

Anti-war protesters will gather at Grand Central Station 
(42nd Street and Park Avenue) at 5 p.m. on Wednesday, 
March 24 to protest the illegal bombing of Yugoslavia by 
U.S./NATO forces and the proposed occupation.  A 
simultaneous demonstration will take place in San 
Francisco, Minneapolis, Claremont, and other cities in the 
United States.  

The demonstration is called by the International Action 
Center (IAC), which was initiated by former U.S. Attorney 
General Ramsey Clark. IAC spokesperson Sara Flounders 
issued the following statement about the political 
orientation of the anti-war protests:

"U.S. soldiers and pilots are again being asked to kill 
and be killed in a far away land.  The Milosevic 
government of Yugoslavia has been demonized as akin to 
Adolf Hitler.  Make no mistake about it, this is simply a 
pretext to justify military aggression against a sovereign 
country.  The U.S. has earlier demonized Saddam Hussein in 
Iraq and Manuel Noriega in Panama to justify U.S. military 
aggression in those countries.

"The real issue, however, in all of these wars of 
aggression is that the U.S. military and economic 
establishment wanted to dominate these strategic areas.  
Is Yugoslavia invading and bombing the people of the 
United States?  No.  The people of Yugoslavia are the 

"What makes the U.S. government propaganda more absurd is 
that it claims that it must bomb Yugoslavia to defend the 
rights of a national minority people_the Albanians in 
Kosovo.  If one wants to defend the rights of national 
minority people from police brutality and abuse, you don't 
have to go thousands of miles away.  The shooting of 
Amadou Diallo in NYC is just the tip of the iceberg.  
African American, Latino, Native, Arab, and Asian people 
are routinely the victims of racism, discrimination, and 
police terror inside the United States.  Everyone should 
ask themselves, `Is it possible for a government that 
violates the rights of its own national minority peoples 
at home to pursue a policy of freedom and equality for 
national minority peoples on other continents?'

"The Yugoslav government is resisting the demands by the 
U.S. and NATO to dismember its country.  The same 
governments that constitute NATO imperialism are the ones 
that have funneled arms and funds to the so-called Kosovo 
Liberation Army and before them, ultra-right wing forces 
who initiated the civil war in Croatia, Slovenia, and 
Bosnia.  The responsibility for every person who dies in 
the planned bombing of Yugoslavia_be they Serb, Kosovar, 
or U.S. GIs_falls directly on the doorstep of the Clinton 
Administration and the generals in the Pentagon."


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