Dear Bill,

I've read both of Davis' big books and a number of his essays including some
of the more obscure stuff.  Where ever I go, this side of the Mississippi, I
see a little of what Davis is talking about here and there.  It's about
America, Bill.

Your email pal,
Tom L.

"William S. Lear" wrote:

> On Thursday, March 18, 1999 at 19:16:31 (-0500) Doug Henwood writes:
> >There's a good page of links about the Mike Davis brouhaha at
> ><>, including Marc Cooper's fine
> >article in Davis' defense and to Brady Westwater, the Malibu real estate
> >guy who set out to ruin him after reading Davis' "Let Malibu Burn."
> Following this to the H-Urban list, I find this from Philip Ethington,
> who seems like someone relatively sympathetic to Davis:
>      Casual, incomplete, or cavalier citations are deeply problematic
>      in scholarly discourse, and especially so when the author is
>      making huge, dramatic claims. And further, we on the Left are
>      betrayed when these gaffes allow the Right to devalue Davis's
>      overall project, which I have been supporting for many years now.
>      Effective radical scholarship must be factually unassailable, or
>      else Malibu realtors with pseudonyms and axes to grind can topple
>      the whole edifice of progressive social science. A great deal is
>      at stake here: representing Los Angeles and all of the urban
>      world in the late capitalist era. We must decide whether we want
>      our urbanist research to be based of thin reeds or solid pilings.
>      We also have to decide whether we will accept at face value the
>      factual claims of our most gifted writers, or whether we are a
>      community of critical thinkers.
> Quite so.
> Of course, Ethington does not accuse Davis of fabrications, nor of
> admitting to such, something about which I'm still keen on finding
> out.
> Bill

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