On Thursday, March 18, 1999 at 19:18:33 (-0500) Louis Proyect writes:
>I don't have the Counterpunch article handy, but it makes the case that the
>errors in Davis's book are par for the course for a 500+ page book. Every
>few days the NY Times prints a half-dozen corrections, to put things in
>context. The beef with Davis is over interpretation. A hostile Salon
>article takes him to task for representing Bunker Hill as an anti-black
>gated neighborhood, when they point out there actually no gates in sight.
>And so on. And so on.
>Mostly Davis's book is about interpretation. It is an ecosocialist analysis
>of Los Angeles's self-destructive path. This radical interpretation has
>pissed off the ruling class and they find it more effective to line up
>generation X journalists than the Wall Street Journal editorial page. Salon
>is more and more falling into this niche, a space occupied also by the NY
>Press, a neoconservative throwaway in NYC that prints Alex Cockburn.

All fine and good, but errors are different than deliberate
fabrication.  This is what I seek to confirm or deny...


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