Well, lest we get too carried away with these lists, let me note that
the latest word is that indeed FDR did not know the Japanese were going to
attack Pearl Harbor ahead of time, although he was expecting them to attack
somewhere, probably in the Philippines once he cut of their oil.
     Also, with regard to Ho Chi Minh, the OSS had aided him against the
Japanese in WW II and he expected a continuation of that support against the
French.  Actually it was FDR in March, 1945, one of his last serious
decisions, who decided that the US would support the French after de Gaulle
made a special appeal and FDR felt a need to assuage him after having
insulted him on multiple occasions during his British exile and during the
liberation of France.  However, it was a good six months, that is basically
until the end of the war, before the OSS on the ground got the word and
stopped supporting Ho.  The appeal by Ho to Truman was to undo a decision
made by FDR.
Barkley Rosser
-----Original Message-----
From: Sam Pawlett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wednesday, March 03, 1999 2:44 PM
Subject: [PEN-L:4097] Re: Re: Re: secret societies and the origins
ofcapitalist sociability

>Henry C.K. Liu wrote:
>> Other open secrets:
>> FDR knew about Japanese "sneak" attack on Pearl Harbor.
>> America did not help Jews fleeing from Nazi Germany
>> Truman used the two nuclear bombs on Japan mostly to warn the Soviets.
>> Cardinal Spellman was very inflential in Kennedy's early decision to back
a Catholic Vietnam regime in its persecution of local Buddhists whose monks
kept burning themselves publicly in protest.
>> Kennedy's White House sex with a known Soviet agent.
>> Watergate was connected to CIA opposition to Nixon's bypassing it in his
opening to China.
>> Rubin turned down a US$100 billlion Asian recuse package offered by Japan
in October, 1997 because of his insistence of American control on all rescue
>> I am sure others on the list can offer more.
>> Henry C.K. Liu
>--Herbert Hoover using food aid earmarked for the USSR and Hungary( under
Bela Kun) to feed the White armies.
>--multi (14?) national invasion of the USSR in 1918.
>--Polish invasion of USSR in 1920.
>-- Ho Chi Minh asking Truman for help in fighting the French.
>-- U.S. corporate support for Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy.
>-- War reparations paid to U.S. corporations operating in Nazi Germany that
were destroyed by Allied bombings.
>-- Pope Pius XII support of Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy.
>-- U.K. support for fascists in the Greek war of national liberation in
late 40's.
>and so on...

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