The URL for this outfit is  According
to their own data, combined NATO contributions financed a bit more than
half their budget (this includes in-kind contributions).  Soros and
Rockefeller money is there, but not significant.  Malaysia and Pakistan
are big donors.

For all you conspiracy buffs out there, the link to the org chart for
the Tribunal as a whole is down.


Sam Pawlett wrote:
> > The ambassador is totally convinced that the indictment of
> > Milosevic was arranged between NATO and the Tribunal to be
> > announced the day before Chermonyrden's (sp?) visit to Belgrade
> > to discredit the Russian effort and sabotage an agreement that
> > would be acceptable to the European partners.  If this is the case,
> > then the tribunal itself is guilty of a war crime.
> Diana Johnstone was interviewed from Paris on our local (Vancouver) lefty
> radio station the other day and she claims the International War Crimes
> Tribunal is funded by NATO governments as well as PRIVATE sources like
> Soros and the Carnegie Endowment. It's a kangeroo court. Much of its
> equipment was donated by the US gov't. The US gov't also gave 22
> prosecutors to the tribunal for free. These claims can be verified by
> looking at its website (I'm told). Sorry, don't have the URL. Johnstone
> also claimes that it was set up in The Hague so people would confuse it
> with the International Court of Justice also in The Hague that is a wing
> of the U.N. She also noted that Yugoslavia has a case before the latter
> court charging NATO with violation of int'l law in the bombing, that is
> going very slowly. Milosevic has been indicted for 342 deaths; a much
> smaller figure than teh 100,000-200,000 that is being claimed by NATO
> spokesmen. The top of the list is Racak which looks like an act of
> provocation by the KLA. Both AP and AFP reporters on the scene testified
> that there was substantial evidence that the bodies had been killed and
> then moved to the site.   There has been no mention of the prison in
> Kosovo that was bombed last week resulting in over 70 deaths and 150
> injured. Presumably, it was bombed to help Kosovo Albanian prisoners
> escape.
>    Johnstone also said that most of  Kosovo has now been completely
> destroyed by NATO bombing with over $120 billion in damages in the whole
> of Yugoslavia.
>   She also read some of the millions of propaganda leaflets that have
> been dropped over Kosovo. Chilling stuff. "We are going to keep on
> bombing until all Serb units leave Kosovo". Most of the bombing is now
> conventional "dumb" bombing of Korean War vintage.
> Sam Pawlett

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