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Date sent:              Fri, 28 May 1999 12:13:38 -0700
To:                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
From:                   Sid Shniad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:                RUSSIA SAYS TALKS SIDESWIPED - The Washington Post

The Washington Post                               Friday, May 28, 1999; Page A28 


        Milosevic Indictment Deepens Pessimism Over Peace Efforts

        By David Hoffman

Moscow, May 27 — Russia vowed today to continue to try to mediate 
between NATO and Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic but said 
that his indictment on war crimes charges had complicated the effort 
and that the talks were not moving in a positive direction.
        Viktor Chernomyrdin, the Russian special envoy for the Yugoslav 
crisis, denounced the indictment of Milosevic as a "political show" and 
postponed his planned trip to Belgrade by a day, until Friday.
        He did so after a round of talks here with Deputy Secretary of State 
Strobe Talbott and Finnish President Martti Ahtisaari, the European 
Union envoy -- the latest effort in prolonged negotiations that have yet 
to produce a postwar plan for Kosovo. Talbott and Ahtisaari 
immediately left for Bonn. Aides said Chernomyrdin still planned to fly 
to Belgrade on Friday, and Ahtisaari said later he may join him.
        While concrete information was scarce, Russian and Western 
sources emphasized that the talks face difficulties. Russian officials 
said the three negotiators would meet in a few days to try again.
        Today's talks, which included military experts, were the outgrowth 
of several weeks of slow-going diplomacy aimed at finding a political 
settlement to end the NATO air raids against Yugoslavia and the 
exodus of ethnic Albanians from Kosovo, a province of Serbia, 
Yugoslavia's dominant republic. A key focus has been on how to create 
a Kosovo peacekeeping force that would allow refugees to return. 
NATO insists it must be at the core of such a force, but Russia wants 
United Nations leadership.
        There were signs that the West's discussions with Chernomyrdin 
were difficult, even before his next step of flying to see Milosevic. 
Chernomyrdin has insisted that he does not want to be just a mailman 
between NATO and Belgrade. But the West has shown no signs of 
compromise, putting him in a ticklish position at home.
        "I have a nasty feeling about the talks," said a Russian source with 
close ties to the foreign policy establishment. "NATO is making it clear 
that [a settlement] has to be on their terms, and if we want to, we can 
join. Chernomyrdin is a bit heavy to go into retirement as a former 
        In Washington today, Greek Foreign Minister George Papandreou 
also expressed concern that the mediation was hampered by the gap 
between Moscow and NATO on key issues such as composition of the 
peacekeeping force.
        "We have basically given the whole negotiation . . . to the 
Russians," Papandreou told Washington Post editors and reporters. 
"They're saying, 'We can only negotiate up to a point, we can't push 
NATO priorities because they aren't our priorities.' "
        There were signs that Yugoslavia was looking for mediators other 
than Moscow to convey its message to the United States. In 
Washington, Jesse L. Jackson said Yugoslav Foreign Minister Zivadin 
Jovanovic told him today that Yugoslavia was willing to reduce its 
forces in Kosovo "substantially and quickly" to 12,000 if NATO first 
suspended its bombing. NATO has signaled it will halt its airstrikes 
only after Belgrade has withdrawn significant forces from Kosovo.
        NATO estimates that Yugoslavia has about 40,000 troops, police 
and other forces in the province. It has demanded that all of them leave, 
while signaling some could return for purposes such as to help protect 
borders and holy sites.
        Jackson said he had remained in touch with senior Yugoslav 
officials since playing a key role in winning the release of three 
American POWs on May 2. Jackson, who said he briefed the White 
House on his talk with Jovanovic, said "12,000 is too many, but it's still 
substantial movement. There is some flexibility here."
        In Moscow, Western sources said Chernomyrdin, accompanied by 
Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov at today's discussions, faces several 
obstacles. The first is that his personal relationship with Milosevic is 
not good; their prior meetings have been tense. Second, Russia's 
foreign policy and defense establishment is firmly against NATO's 
offensive and Chernomyrdin has few allies at home and many critics -- 
especially if he just appears to be doing the West's bidding. Still other 
roadblocks are today's indictment of Milosevic and NATO's continuing 
airstrikes, despite Russia's daily pleas for a pause.
        "We cannot say the situation is developing positively," President 
Boris Yeltsin's spokesman, Dmitri Yakushkin, told reporters. 
"Everybody would want to see a quick breakthrough in the talks on 
Yugoslavia, but objectively the situation develops so that it is very 
difficult to reach that."
        Chernomyrdin's spokesman, Valentin Sergeyev, said the 
negotiations "are proceeding in a rather complicated fashion . . . it is in 
no one's interest to accelerate the process."
        The indictment of Milosevic on the eve of Chernomyrdin's visit was 
denounced by Russia, and viewed by some Russian officials as a sign 
that the West is taking an uncompromising approach. The newspaper 
Izvestia noted that "it is impossible to come to terms with a wanted 
military criminal" and claimed the indictment would cancel out 
Chernomyrdin's diplomacy.
        Sergeyev said recent events "have somewhat complicated the 
negotiating process and the search for acceptable solutions."
        The Foreign Ministry said of the war crimes indictment, "It will 
add to the obstacles to a Yugoslav settlement. The intention to start a 
criminal case against Milosevic under the current circumstances is a 
politically motivated step." The statement added that "such actions of 
the international tribunal, to which it had resorted before, severely 
undermine the authority of this agency of the U.N. Security Council."
        Nonetheless, Russia said it would continue to seek a political 
settlement, "and with Milosevic's participation." 
        Yakushkin underlined that Russia would effectively ignore the 
indictment. "This is the legally elected president of Yugoslavia," he 
said of Milosevic. "If you deal with Yugoslavia, one has to deal with 
one man; that is with the leader of Yugoslavia, its president, Slobodan 
        In another development, the Tass news agency quoted military 
sources as saying Russia was ready to contribute up to 10,000 troops 
as part of a peacekeeping force. The sources said Russia was 
proposing a force that would be under the command of a neutral 

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